Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Not the good bugs either. Mum came home early and wented to bed. She said her tummy was feeling poorly. So I have to go and check up on her. See if she needs anything. Dr. Derby to the rescue.


  1. Hope your mum is feeling better very soon. We know that you'll take great care of her!
    Buzzerbee & meep

  2. I's sorry your Mom is sick Derby! We will say purrayers for her so she'll gets better quicks.

  3. Seems as though there is a "bug" going around, 'cause lots of humans don't feel well. We don't want any of them in our house though. An occasional mousie is enough, Mom says.

    Hope your Mum feels better soon.

    The Crew

  4. Oh Derby sorry about your mom catching it. Sure is a nasty buggie going around.


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