
Saturday, December 17, 2005


Mum is letting me blog while she works on her hurted finger. She was making her very last batch of peanut brittle and caught some of the very hot stuff on her finger. She is cooling it down with water and a "cold beverage". She says she will be fine.

Grampie came over today for a while this morning. He had a fancy box which he gave to mum and she putted it away in the closet where all of the other purresents and stuff has been put. Mum didn't say if it was for me. I hope so. The they putted a new shelf in her entertainment center. The did lots of nailing with a big hammer. I wanted to watch but mum and Grampie kepted me away so I didn't get my nose bonked.

Mummy didn't let me blog last night, I gotted carried away and started to play a little hard with her. I was using my teeth a bit more than she would have liked so I gotted a time out and no blog time. Bummer. Plus I have to finish this so she can work on her work computer to finish a project. I am not allowed to use her work 'puter.

Oh, her she comes. She says her finger is fine and feels much better. But now she needs to work. Guess I will go hang out and dream by the tree for a while. Nice kitty, Santa Claws bring me lots of purresents. Nice kitty, Santa Claws bring me lots of purresents. Nice kitty, Santa Claws bring me lots of purresents. Nice kitty, Santa Claws bring me lots of purresents. Nice kitty, Santa Claws bring me lots of purresents. . . . . . Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z.


  1. What a neat picture of you in the glowing lights. Grampie sounds very handy to have around!

  2. We see you're wearing your collar again.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.