
Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Here, Birdie, Birdie

Mum boughted two of these birdies nest things at the store. Hmm, do I see a some similar things to us wonderful ginger kitties? Grampie thinks they were kinda silly. What self respecting birdie would want to live in a birdie house that looks like a kittie head?

Well, we have at least one sparrow who is checking out the place. So maybe soon we will have a whole family here.

Plus a big cuddle to the Meezers and their beans. Grampa Norton wented to join Ralphie at the Rainbow Bridge. Purrs to you.


  1. Well we like them! What you thinking of charging for rent?

  2. Looks like da birdie didn't mind being in the poodin mouf!


  3. You're lucky to have almost-tenants. Nobody's ever moved into the two houses we put up last year. I keep watching, though!

  4. Hahaha! Our Dad is getting the same kittyhead birdie house for his birthday present, but he doesn't know it yet. We had a chickadee couple looking at rental properties in our yard, too.

  5. kinda weird lookin'! we get chickadees in our small birdhouse in the front yard and it's way cool! hope you get a nest.

  6. My mum choked laughing when she saw the pic of the birdie sitting in the kitty's mouth...I want one!

  7. We want one two... I mean two too? I um...
    Ok, cute pictors. We has a bird house shaped like a whole cat, but the birds go straight into the cat's tummy. Chickadees like that one. The ofur birdhouse that gets used was used last year by a flying squirrel! Weird beast. Wm, we haf many bird houses that don't get used much, but the birds made holes in the siding an nest in our walls!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.