
Tuesday, November 7, 2006

I'm Home!

Yay, mum came first thing this morning and sprung me from the kittie spa. While staying there is nice, I would rather be home.

Fast approaching 10,000 visitors, is it you?

And the deadline for the blogiversary quiz is Saturday November 11th at midnight. I have had comments that you haven't been reading my blog all year. Well, go back and try to find the answers or at least some of the answers. If no one enters, I guess I gets to keep the prize.

Mum and I have been snuggling some today. Plus she wented and voted, got some stuff from the store and cleaned the house. So now it is time to catch up on all of our blogging furiends.


  1. Must be nice to be back home - purrrrr!

    * November 7 is "Dona Nobis Pacem" Day - spread the word.

  2. Yay! Being home sure beats any kitty spa, no matter how nice it is.

  3. 9,992! I'm chasin Scout, I guess! Glad you's been springed... sprung? Happy World Peace day, too. You couldn't haf known, bein trapped as you was.

  4. OOh, I'm so close at 9995. I'll have to come back a lil' later!

  5. Oh man, I'm even closer at 9996!!

  6. Welcome home, Mr. D. Time for Momma to make up for lost time pampering you!

    My human has a special HOSTS file in place to block hackers, but it also blocks your counter. I'll guess I'm #9997.

  7. We're furry glad you're home, Derby! And it looks like we're 10,000! (We almost forgot to check, too...)

  8. Welcome home, Derby! I am 10,003. Congrats to Smeagol & Strider!

  9. Glad that you're home, Derby! Wow 10,000+ that's really cool!

  10. I'm 10,021! I'm way over. I KNEW I should have come back yesterday!

  11. we're gonna enter - we fink yur contest/quiz sounds fun an we know sum an-sirs, but we're gonna hunt fur the offur ones. we just tend ta do fings at the last minnit - plus our Lady's hoggin' the 'puter ta try ta help the homeless kitties. we'll be back wif an-sirs.

  12. Shoot, 10,051. Oh, well. We forgot to watch for our 10,000 and it's way too late.

    Glad you were sprung!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.