
Friday, February 9, 2007

In Appreciation

For Mom Robyn of Hot(M)BC, for all you do for the cat blogoshpere. Mum and I send lots of love your way. Purrs and headbutts.


  1. Hi Derby! it was nice metting you tooo! u remind me of my old friend Lonesome...u too look a lot a like! but hes at rainbox bridge now :(

  2. What a nice way to send best wishes! I will try to check the cat blogosphere soon as I too have 3 cats in my home.

    And hey, have a look at this
    Miss you my Friends!

  3. Thank you and your mum both, Derby! I was so overwhelmed and excited I couldn't manage sending notes at the time when I first came by, but boy, what a great day :) Thanks so much :) :) :)
    Love n "Purrs"


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.