
Monday, February 19, 2007

Man Cat Monday

Even a Man Cat can have a softer side and enjoy the comforts of life. Like a nice soft, warm and fuzzy teddy bear to curl up with.

Still pondering on my dilema. So many girl kitties, just one of me. ::sigh:: What to do?


  1. Derby,
    I find I do my best thinkin' when I'm layin' in my mum's lap.

  2. You are still very masculine Derby! Keep up the good work.

  3. I did a softer side of Man Cat Monday myself. I think it drives the ladies wild when we're snuggly.


  4. you look like you're furry happy there. I don't know how to help you wif your girlfriendcat dilema. It's easier now that Kukka saided the tomcats could haf a girlfriendcat. - Miles

  5. You look very comfy with that Teddy Bear....maybe Meowm will get a picture of me with the HUGE polar bear she has.

  6. Maybe you should have a contest, Derby.......the winner gets you!!!


  7. Well Derby, you've either "got it or you don't". You've obviously got it, the ladies recognize that fact and aren't afraid to say so! After all, both of these girls approached you, not the other way around.

    I'd like to point out two things, my friend. First, you and Mia aren't married and unless you've expressly promised yourself to only her, you're free to date other girls, while still having deep feelings for Mia and continuing to see her. Second, while pursuing a political career, you must keep your public image squeaky clean, but I don't think the voters in the cat blogosphere would mind if you're seen dating two girls, as long as there's no scandals involved. There are several guys that play the field and I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing.

    Why don't you ask Mia how she feels about this? I'm sure she wouldn't want to hinder your political ambitions and only wants what's best for everyone.


  8. Very well expressed there George!!

    What a luverly pikshur ov u an yur teddy.

    Luf, Us

  9. whut duz Mia think 'bout this? ya prolly gotta go wif her opinion.

  10. Yoo want my advice(plug yer ears Mrs. B)...Play the field. Yer a hot commoditie Derby and yoo gotta take all yoo can get while yoo can! I'm sure vir-ginger wuld have said the same thing if she was more talkative. -Cheeto

    Oh Derby- Maybe yoo can find a way to let Skittles be yer girl on evun days and Princess Mia have yoo on the odd days? -Rosie

  11. I thought George was right, one thing we in the kitty blogosphere can show the humans is that we can have a personal life and still be able to govern. Call it work life balance.

  12. In the cat world it is purrfectly acceptable to have more that one gurl (or guy) in yer stable (or house, or whatever)!

  13. Happy alated purrthday to yore Momma Derby. I no what you mean bout tha womens. I gots 4 of em that likes me & wants to be mine girl....what to do what to do. :)

  14. After seeing this post you may have more girl kitties after you.The lady's like a guy with a softer side.

  15. Derbs!!!!!!!!!! You my dearest Sweetheart Cat. I am on the edge of my seat wondering what you will decide. Will I become part of your harem of ladycats?

  16. You look worn out from worrying about this woman thing. I hope it's not taking too much out of you!

  17. What did Vir-ginger advise? Squillions can be really wise.

    Your bud Pepi

  18. OH Derby

    You really do have a dee-limb-baa.
    Dat is a hard call to make, but I am sure yu will make a wise dee-ssis-shun. It will help yu in yur upcoming cam-pain ee-lect-shun.


  19. Well, it appears you don't have to ask Mia how she feels. She's already let us know at Skittles comments. It appears she's willing to "stand by her man" and fight for what she wants!

  20. As owr hyooman gramma used to say *try em all you might miss a good one*.

  21. You do look comfy, but still furry manly.


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