
Friday, August 10, 2007

Fang Shui Friday

If served food from a can, it is unauspicious to eat all of it. Leave a good portion to dry out, as a preventative measure against poverty.

From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.

Mum is never so rude to feed me directly from the can. My food always goes into a bowl and certain treats and such get fed to me by her hand. So this is me, staring at her to give me a treat or six!

Flower Friday

Today's flower is the Russian sage plant. Top picture shows it just growing and now it is in full bloom. Mum just loves this stuff and what you see is actually three plants to give a huge bunch of mass in the garden, not just one plant.

It hasn't been that hot here, but the air is all sticky. Mum has tried to open the window overnight when it isn't hot. But then we get rains too, which mum says is good as the grass and garden needs it. This week we have had several rain storms which brought us 2 inches of rain. The grass is actually green again.


  1. I like your Fang Shui Fridays, but I'm not so sure about this one. I would think that left over canned cat food, dried out, would be really yucky to eat. The Russian sage is very pretty.

  2. That's a beautiful plant... like a more subtle version of lavender. We're getting lots of rain here in Tasmania too... big, fat winter rain. I haven't been outside for a few days!

  3. I would never eat from a can.. okay yes I would and I wouldn't leave any either!

    I love that garden. Is that a daylilly near your Russian Sage? My human LOVES daylillies!

  4. Your mommy is certainly right, eat food directly in can is very dangertous, not only somewhere we can't reach, but also the metal of can open for a while will oxidize and release very very bad things into the food, if eat things directly from can for long time, it will hurt body a lot and a lot~!!

    So, as long as open the can, must place in the bowl, even the food not finished, save in the bowl put in the fridge, never leave in can after you open the can.

    Your mommy is the best mommy~!!!

    By the way, I always waiting for Friday to see your flower, that is the best thing in Friday seeing bloggie~!

  5. Mom loves Russian sage too, we have some at our mountain house.

    Did you get some treats? I agree about the canned food, it must be served properly.


  6. Eat from a can? never.

    The russian sage is beautifical!

    Purrs, Princess

  7. Very pretty flower and your expression is priceless!

  8. Hee-hee, we give mom the same "gimme some treats" stare too. And you are right about leaving some stinky goodness just in case.

    Thoe are really pretty flowers. The lack of rain pretty much killed all the flowers here :(

  9. Derby, you have the perfect "feed me treats" expression!

  10. Ooooh! Maw lufs your Mum's garden SOOOO much!

    Rain is good. And we always leave a bit of wet food in our bowls. Maw isn't so crass that she would even attempt to feed us from the can. How gauche is that?

  11. As your nomss friends... please send us the sage! Tasty!

  12. Derby, you look so cute "asking" your Mum for treats. Who could resist that cute face?

  13. Derby

    That is a fantastic picture of you! Those were beautiful pictures of the flowers.


  14. I do not like to eat right out of the can either. My whiskers get in the way and it makes eating uncomfortable.

  15. Derby if you were looking at me like that, I would definately give you a treat!


  16. I hope you get a treat or six!

  17. Mom thinks she'd like to get some of that sage next year to plant!
    She must be totally in your command with a wonderful look like that!

  18. awwww mom says you look so sweet she held up a tem-tay-shun to the screen

  19. Loved that tem-tay-shun. Thanks Meezer Mom!.

  20. Derbs,

    You look so pensive in that picture. And very handsome, of course.


  21. I believe you deserve at least 19 treats, Derby. If not more.

  22. Dear Derby,

    I didn't forget Flower Friday, although I am way late!

    You have a stunning garden! Any lizards to eat?


    Skittles, The Huntress

  23. That sage plant looks furry purrty Derby.
    We would nefurr eat furrom a can, well we might if we found an open one lying around, but no way will we eat Stinky Goodness if it has dried out.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.