
Friday, March 28, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Balance in your life is important. Do no roll off the couch by mistake.
Not to worry I didn't fall off the couch. Mum says it would be like her falling out of bed. Doesn't happen as you know you are near the edge.

Continuing purrs for all of our furiends who are not feeling well. Momo and Miral.
Mum was a little better coming home from work but kept saying, "one more day". Yep it is Friday and the weekend. I guess I will have to do lots of purring and snuggling her to get her all happy. I know she was happy as the weather guy was wrong, we didn't get any snow at our house. Mum says yippee for that.

Happy Weekend Everyone!


  1. Derby you're better than I am - I fall off the bed all the time, but it's usually cause I'm sleeping so deeply!


  2. That is a seriously cute picture of you Derby! ~DKM

  3. Dear Derby,
    you are doing so great on the balance, not only physical, but also in mind~~

  4. Derby, that is a great pose!!

  5. We haven't fallen off the bed in a while, but it does happen sometimes. Camie does it too and you should see Mom trying to catch her - hehe.

    Have a good weekend - we are glad you didn't get any snow.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  6. Derbs, I love the picture. You didn't roll off did you?

    I will keep Momo and Miral in my purrs.


  7. Glad you didn't fall off! And we're glad you didn't get any more snow.

    Luf, Us

  8. yay! it's Friday!!! i would fall off the couch though Derby - I haf 'afore. - Sammy

  9. TGIF! I hope you get to spend lots and lots of time with your mom this weekend.


  10. Umm... I hate to admit this, but I have rolled off the edge sometimes... I just get so happy to roll!

    I am very glad you all didn't get more snow.

  11. Sometimes I accidentally roll off things! I like to roll around a lot.

    I am still purring and purring for our friends in need.

  12. My mom does the countdown too. And we're glad it's the weekend also.

    You and your mum have a great one! I hope your weather's good too.

  13. Well, Shaggy has been known to hit th e floor now & then. But he is so big that when his center of balance goes, he goes with it!

  14. What a great action shot of you Derby! You have amazing balance!!!

  15. Happy weekend to you, too! I must admit that once I looked like I was falling, but it was really on purpose! :)

  16. I can't believe you didn't fall off! You looked like you were goin' off for sure.

    Very cute pic!

  17. I rolled off the bed once! Hope you have a good weekend. And wishing you and your mum some good snugglin' time this weekend.

  18. Have a lovely weekend not rolling off the couch! Give your Mum lots of snuggles. The work thing can really stress us beans out:) xxx

  19. We stopped by to tell you that you won our contest. CONGRATULATIONS! Would you please e-mail us at taramorse (AT) aol (DOT) com with your address so we can send you a prize.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  20. Good that you didn't fall off the bed! I do that vewy often! But it's definitewy not mine fault! You see, I sweep next to mine Mummy and mine Mummy usuawwy thwashes awound in her sweep and act wike she's twying to fight a squiwwion twolls in her sweep. And so who gets kicked off the bed? Your woyal highness me! Sigh...

  21. i iz glad yoo dinna fall of da couch! dat woulda hurteded!

  22. We fall off the couch ALL the time!!! It makes the beans laugh so we guess it's okay. :-) We're glad though that you are more talented than us. You are an inspiration!

  23. That's great you didn't get any more snow! Have a great weekend with your Mum :-)

  24. Hey Derby, Mommy was so shot yesterday after work that it was all she could do to sit on the sofa and let me love her! I did not fall off, and neither did she!

  25. Thankyou for visiting me and for all the purrs while I am sick. I am a bit better now but still weak.

    Great balancing act, but be careful anyway.

  26. Congratulations on winning the contest on Camie Kitties blog.

  27. Ohhh...Derby won Camies contest! Congradulations! Derby sure is smart!

  28. Hooray for no snow. Sometimes we make Mom think we accident;y fall off, just so she will laugh at us.

  29. Momma is all crabilated today and yesterday, and it seems like furrever. It is snowing, and snowing and she feels like crud. She gotted mad at me cuz I was naughty to Mittens, she is so touchy! Hope your Momma is beder, I am going to nap.


  30. I know watcha mean! I look like that, and I'm not "fallin". Jus restin...

  31. hahahaha. Derby, carefull dere. You mights bonk your noodle!


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