
Monday, March 31, 2008

ManCat Monday

Since each of us is blessed with only one life, why not live it with a cat? - Robert Stearns
Why not indeed! You know we cats are good for you. Pet owners live longer, we help keep your blood pressure down and all of that good stuff.

Mum spend a lot of time playing with the washing machine this weekend. She said it was time to rotate the clothes from one closet to another, plus get everything clean. Nice pretty colored clothes that make you think of spring and flowers. She sorted through stuff too and put some of into bags to go away. Otherwise the closet would be stuffed!

Mum watched bracketball over the weekend while she helped me read through blogs. Our Whiskerconsin team gotted beat, so now we are just watching for fun.

Good news that both Miral and Momo are beginning to feel better. Continuing purrs for full recoveries.

One of our old furiends, Kukka-Maria is back to posting. She faded away last summer and many of us have missed her pithy social commentary! If you haven't met Kukka before, go over and check out her archive of old posts.


Cat Friends Helping Friends is going to be a real 501(c)(3)charity!!!! Yipee this is good news for lots of reasons. One hopefully we can raise more green papers to help kitties, but now when your beans give green papers they would be able to deduct this on their yearly green paper taxes! Mum says to be official you only can deduct if you itemized your stuff. But you probably already new that!

To help raise money to get this started their is a contest to name the kittie on the logo! So go over to the website and check it out. For 2 green papers you get a chance to propose a name for the kittie in the logo. You can suggest more than one name, but each suggestion will cost ya 2 green papers.

I could think of lots of names, but mum says I can't play! Bummer and why not? 'Cuz mum says we are part of the board of the new group. But we will have a vote for the final name. Plus by being on the board that means we get to help out making decisions!

So go right over and check it out!


  1. we is so happy to be on the board of CFHF too! 'acause so many friends helped us and we want to return everyone's kindness.

    I am very happy that Kukka is back! (as is your look-alike Brach Lee we hope!).

    Mommy needs to do the clothes thing your mom did - she has too many clothes she has not worn for YEARS that need to go to charity.

  2. We think it's called "Spring Cleaning" at least that's what mommy called it when she was doing the same thing all weekend!

  3. Hi Derby,

    Our mom needs to rotate the closet clothes too. She said, bye bye winter clothes, yee haw spring.

  4. Woa!!! thanks for telling us about Kukka Maria!!!!

  5. Hi ya Derby! Remember me? Just wanted to say hi ya! Charity is always a good thing. As we all know there are so many kitties and other animals that need so much!

    Love, Monkey

  6. Wow, Kukka Maria is back? Very cool!

    We will have to check and see if, being Canadian, will be able to claim the charity donations on our taxes. We can when they are made to Canadian charities, but we aren't sure about American ones. It's too bad there isn't some kind of international charity that could be set up, but that would probably be too expensive and complicated.

  7. The PM is itchin' to get rid of winter gear. I know she wants to actually give it all away but reason will win and it'll just get packed away until next Fall.

    Thanks for stopping by Derby and for your comforting words!

    ~Goldie and Shade

  8. Mom says it's about time that cats became deductable!

  9. Hi Derby, Our Daddy is headed back to Wisconsin today. He will miss being down here in MS where it is nice and warm. You should teleport over and visit our Butterfly Garden. It's a great place to lay in the sun and soak up some rays. And as soon as Mommy has time she is planting catnip.

    Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

  10. Thanks for all the news Derby! We are glad your mum is helping out on the board!!
    We are having another winter storm today & tomorrow. Almost all the previous snow was gone and now 6 more inches are on the way. Uck!

  11. We can't play neifur. But we gave a few green papers anyways,just as a doenashun. We can't wait til tha papers are all filled out (wif the dum fees the govermint makes us pay) and it's all offishul. Woo!
    Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

  12. What a wonderful way to get green papers for kitties in need. \

    Gosh Derby, with this added responsibility, you're going to be a busy guy once you & Chey win the White House!

  13. I'm swooning at your gorgeous picture, Derby. purrs...

  14. Momma wants to know if your mom will come to our house and do this "spring cleaning" stuff. hee hee


  15. I am very happy that CFHF is now an official charity!

    That is a very cute picture of you Derby, you are very photogenic!

  16. That's cool that your Mum is on the board of CFHF. We have no idea what to name the logo. We are not creatively inspired poodins.

    Luf, Us

  17. Umm have to check the CFHF out. I hope they take credit cards as SS has had problems with PayPal and she had cancelled it.

  18. Love the quote you picked today, Derby! Mommie has to do the clothes thing to, but she says she is going to wait another week.

  19. That's neat that you're on the board. That was quite a newsy post. Thanks.

  20. You look so handsome in that picture, Derby!

  21. Yay, we is very happy to hear this good news.

    We loved the quote you posted on the top!

  22. our Lady's been rotating clothes too. she's got 3 piles - used to fit, fits now, and too big. she never was fat till 4 years ago, but then she turned into a BLIMP (hey! this is my message Lady, and I'll type what I want). anyway, she's halfway back to where she used to be and hasta keep getting out the smaller clothes.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.