
Friday, November 28, 2008

The Day After

Thanksgiving went well here. No drama, no big deals. Mum didn't have to get up early, she sort of checked the paper but then went to get Grampie. She made it through the paper, all of the ads and said she would NOT be going out to shop today.

I did get a nice turkey dinner, mum pulled this off the shelf where she keeps my goodies.
I was good and I snarfed up the whole can in sort order. Then I did what the beans do after having such a lovely meal, I napped.
Mum didn't cook turkey but made lunch of ham and hash browns.
I needed to snoopervise the cooking, so it was just right for them. Grampie like the lunch, specially the ham. He has good taste, ham is good.
Today mum really slept in until nearly 8 AM! For her that is really late. She had to check on a few things at work that took all of 15 minutes. Then she read a book, made a big thing of soup for Grampie and more batches of peanut brittle.

Hope all of you had a great hollyday too.


  1. What a grate feest that wuz. I wood need a nap too! Happy Thanksgivng!

  2. Looks like you had a good Thanksgiving Day Derby. The food looks lishus.

  3. Derby, we don't celebrate Thanksgivng here in Australia, but I agree with you that we have a lot to be thankful for. Maybe we should also pause for a while and reflect. I like the picture of you reflecting quietly in your snugglebed. I never get as close to the food preparation area as you do, so I don't supervise my bean's food. Maybe that is why she doesn't eat any meat.

  4. Nom! Nom! Nom! We love Elegant Medley foods, Derby! Mom only gets that once in a while for a special treat, cause it's more expensive!

  5. Wow! We had ham and scalloped potatoes on Wed which means we have that for lunch leftovers (so we don't get completely sick of turkey!)

  6. What a great Thanksgiving you, your Mommie and Grampie had!

  7. What a nice day you had Derby! We love that kind of FF too!!!
    That ham & taters looks pretty tasty and you look very handsome snoopervising the preparation!

  8. What a great Thanksgiving you had! I had a good one too, I got Turkey baby food, cuz I dont like canned cat food, can you believe that!? have a good weekend out there too.

  9. No green can FF for me! They have a funny taste. Do you really like it?

  10. Hey, Derby, that bowl of turkey feast you had sure looked tasty! We hope you got a little ham too!

  11. Wow, great stuff for Thanksgiving! I don't know what hash browns are but I've heard my people say THEY like them, and if Ham is part of the deal...all the better! hMM...I wonder if we have any ham...

  12. That was a lufferly ham and hash brown feast you had there!

    We are purring for Misty. Tons and tons of purrs!

    Luf, Us

  13. All in all, a very good day, I'd say!


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