
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Secret Paw

I signed up for Secret Paws, have you? Find out more here.

You have until November 24 to sign up, that is this coming Monday. It is lots of fun and a good way to share. So just do it.
Plus we are purring hard for more of our furiends. Besides Moki, Momo is now sick with what they think is a virus. The news was reported by Sassy on her blog.
Mum is not taking it easy this weekend. She came home early on Friday, really early from work. Said she took a half day of vacation. She came home and made it to the bottom of her read it pile of magazines. Then she helped me by putting a blog roll on the blog. When we were done we had added in 299, yes you read that right, 299 links to other kittie blogs! Wow! I can remember when we maybe had 29 kitties blogging.

So today mum has been watching birdies outside the big windows. We saw three kinds of woodpeckers, hairy, downy and red-bellied. Plus Mr Hawk played a visit. Mum says the hawk we saw was a juvenile as the breast fevvers were all stripy. He flew away before mum could get the flashy box and take a picture.

Mum says it is about time to read a book for a while. Guess I can go cuddle up with her.


  1. We are constantly astounded by the numbers of new cats who are blogging!

  2. 299 blogging kitties!? Wow, there're lots n' lots of us..and how will I ever get around to everybody?

    My mom is ready for some book-readin', too!

  3. There's even more than 299! Incredible, isn't it? We signed up for Secret Paws a long time ago, but haven't heard anything else since. When will we get our Secret Paws address?

  4. Your Sunday sounds like a nice cozy one!

  5. Wow, looks like you have the encyclopedia of kitty blogs listed now! 299? I'm one of the new ones at it so I'm adding to the list!

  6. You can't beat a cozy Sunday! Bet your gonna get a {{{hugg}}}=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz


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