
Monday, December 22, 2008

ManCat Monday

The trouble with cats is that they've got no tact. - P.G. Wodehouse

True I have no tact, I let mum know what I want and she better deliver. My Secret Paw Package arrive on Saturday, and the station guy was furry slow getting to our house that night with the packages. Plus with the snow we didn't get anything delivered on Friday.

So open for me now mum! Now, right away! I smell nip! It is from Tybalt, Holly and Ivy! Thanks guys!
I jumped up on the table to check it out, which of those packages have nip? Two of them.
Pounce treats, my favorites. I may be the only kittie who prefers them. I yak up if mum gives me Temp-tay-shuns, strange but true.
A whole package of nip plus a special package with fuzzy things that were pre-nipped.Oh yeah, open it up mum, please get them out so I can play with them!
I was faster than the flashy box, I picked up the fuzzy ball and took off with it, leaving a few small pieces of nip behind. I came back for the nip later.

We got more snow on Saturday night and when mum got up, finally, on Sunday AM her little temperature thingy said NEGATIVE 10.8 degrees Fahrenheit. For you metric kitties that is NEGATIVE 24 Celsius. It was cold even sitting by the windows watch the fevvers outside. Mum did go out, first to clear the snow off the drive and claim the Sunday paper. They just dump the paper at the end of the drive. Plus mum went out to refill the seed in the birdie feeders as they cleaned us out on Saturday.

I am waiting to see when my Secret Paw pal gets their box. Mum sent it 10 days ago, it should have been their by now. I hope the station guys didn't lose it!

Feetsball Report

The Colts - Won

Brett the Jet - Lost

The Pack - play Monday night against Da Bears!

Mum started reading the book about Dewey the library cat. She was getting all leaky eyed in places especially at the start. After a few hours she has read about half the book.


  1. You got a great Secret Paws package. My brother's cat who came before, Red, loved Pounce treats. I always gave him a box for Christmas. I bet your Mom is really tired of having to clean off the driveway every day.

  2. That was a very wonderful package! Ir is very, very, very cold here too! We worry about the birds and keep our feeder full.
    Mommy is reading about Dewey too!

  3. Congrats on your haul.

    We shall have to send Mommy to get the book about Dewey.

    Gosh you have a lot of snow. It makes us cold just looking at it. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

  4. We still have snow coming down too...although my mom and dad are letting it sit there...they haven't learned to shovel yet because we normally get snow and it disappears in a day...not this stuff! We love seeing you open your presents!

  5. Oh what a fun secret paw. I am glad it got there.

  6. I am so glad you got your package and that you liked it, Derby! It was a lot of fun shopping for you. This was the very first time I KNEW my Secret Paws kitty!

    It was in the 70s here in GA last week (unseasonably warm) and today it has been in the 20s (unseasonably cold). It looks like we can't win, but at least it will be cold for Christmas!

  7. Those are some nick nip balls & feather wand you got Derby!

  8. Wow, what an awesome package!!

  9. That looks like a great package....of course it is if nip is involved!

  10. Thanks for the Feetsball update. We don't know anything here. That's a great package that you have.

    Merry Christmas to you and your folks!

  11. Wow! You got some great stuff there! Enjoy your nip and keep warm!

  12. Oh wow - you're very lucky! There's lots of cool stuff in there :)

  13. What a great gift! Wow! Lots of fun there!!!
    Have a wonderful Christmas Derby!!

    Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee

  14. Wow! That's as cold as it is HERE!!!! Well, actually, it's night now and it's -29 here, and it can't snow because it's too cold and the air is freezing into ice shards! But my OTW is still glad she lives in an apartment and doesn't have to shovel snow. And that even if we did, the Big One is a Polar Bear and likes shovelling snow.

    That's a great package of things! Good on you for taking off with your toy before your mom got the flashy box sorted out! Really, you'd think they believe everything we do is just a photo-op for them!

    Thanks for your well-wishes. My OTW worries too much. Dr Tara called and said my bloods and pees were perfect! But now at least she isn't following me to the box and poking at me all the time, and can get busy on my presents!


  15. Brrrr we got cold just reading your post. We hope you are keeping nice and toastie.
    That is a great Secret Paws package.

  16. wowieee, look at all that cool stuff ya got! you's very lucky :)

  17. Sorry about your Pack. That's a great Secret Paws stash!

  18. What a great Secret Paws package.

    Merry Christmas Derby, and to your Mum too.

    The Crew

  19. I'm glad you had suchfun opening your Secret Paw but sorry it's so cold! Fat Eric

  20. Cool secret paws.It's cold here too stay warm my friend :)

  21. I tried to post this once but got an error. :-/

    You got some great gifts there!

    I'm sorry it's been so cold and hope it warms up on Christmas Day. That's what I hope.

    Thank you for your wishes that I'll be better.

  22. Wow! Derby, that's a lot of great stuff you got there! Enjoy!

  23. Merry, fabulous Christmas to you! :)
    from the topcatrules girls, Tigger and Trixie and Pyewacket. :)

  24. What a great Secret Paws! Looks like you sure had fun. Merry Christmas and best wishes for a happy, healthy 2009 to you and your beans!
    Mr. Chen & Ollie


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.