
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Finally Friday

Yay we made it to the end of the week. It is going to get warmer this weekend and mum says maybe, if it really gets nice, she will open a window for me for a little while. It is going to get all melty this weekend.

Purrs to my UK furiends, who have been getting nasty winter weather. I knows you guys aren't used to the snow and cold. Your beans probably been having a bad time too, driving in that stuff. Mum is an old pro at driving in the snow but it can be scary if you don't like it or don't know how to drive through it. Mum heard on the UK news that they were running out of stuff to put on the roads to make them safe.
The Meezer's and Billy wanted to know if I was OK, since my Tuesday post stayed up until now. I am fine, guess I didn't have anything to report.

I sorta freaked mum out. Normally when she comes home I am waiting right by the door when she comes in from the metal monster room. But she got home a little late and I needed to make a trip to the dungeon to visit my box. So when she walked in I wasn't there! She knew she hadn't shut me in a closet as she saw me in the window as she left in the morning. So I heard her call me, so I finished my business and hurried up to greet her! She knew exactly where I had been as the direction I came from could only mean I was in the dungeon. She laughed and said she hoped she hadn't interrupted me!

I gots an award from Tristan and Crikey. Thank you!

"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight kitties who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."

In the spirit of friendship, we pass this award to the following cats:

The Five Cats at The House of (Mostly) Black Cats - The Hotties - Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Gree and Pepi.

Cheysuli and Gemini - The Cat Post Intelligencer

Junior and Orion at Juniorbabee and Orion

Mum was watching a moving box story on the woofie show, says we will be watching it both Monday and Tuesday next week. Well, SHE will be watching, I probably will be napping.

Ok, that is it for now. Happy weekend everyone!


  1. Thank you for the award Derby! We are thrilled!

    I think we got this award back at the beginning of the year from the Cat Realm--look we can even remember now that we are posting things YEAH!

    And tomorrow we will be passing on another award to you.

    Try the photo now... there is something weird in Wordpress. Last week we couldn't bigify our photo (but it didn't really matter) and this week our Woman had to swear a lot at Wordpress and make the photo bigger differently than usual before she could get it to bigify for her too.

  2. An open window for the weekend. Neat! We can't wait until it gets warmer.

  3. Apparently all the swearing the woman did crashed the site! At any rate,we think we might have fixed the lack of bigification NOW. We had one more step because we could bigify by right clicking and then saying view image but you couldn't just click on the image... now it seems to work if you just click on the image... I hope.

  4. Congratulations on your award, Derby. I am glad you came when your Mom called and that you finished what you were doing first. Yay for weather warm enough to open a window!

  5. We are supposed to get warmer weather too and we are looking forward to it!

  6. Congrats on the reward. We got one too! Warmer weather - we can't wait.

  7. mommy says that it was "minus 6" yesterday at her werk. she says it's a balmy 20 today!

    concatulations on your award!!

  8. Concats on your award Derby. The snow keeps missing us and we only had half an inch last night, but a place called Okehampton, which is only 30 miles from us got 22 inches. That is unheard of for our part of the country.

  9. Yes, the UK is running out of gritting salt! But apparently we have ordered 40,000 tonnes from Spain... Last night there was lots more snow in many places but only a teeny bit in London, it sort of missed us. But not all the snow from earlier has melted yet. Even in Cornwall they had snow which is very rare. And where Devon Grandma lives they have had lots - a few miles from her they had to rescue 200 motorists from their stranded cars last night!
    Apparently we are getting this weather from Russia - the Russians can have it back!

  10. Hi ya, Derby...our mom freaks out a little too when we don't greet her at the door...sometimes we don't greet her jus to see what she'll do...

    Congrats on your award!

  11. an open window jus izzen't enuff fer me derb. giv me da grate owtdoorz!!!
    congratyoolashunz on yer award.

  12. it is finally warming up here too! it was -3 when mommy left for work yesterday.

    that is so funny that your mommy interrupted your "business" did you bring any "stink down" with you? i do that sometimes if i rush

  13. Congrats on your award! So deserving you are!!
    I thought of you this last weekend because of the football game everyone was talking about. I hope if you were rooting for a team that they won.

  14. Hi Derby - I hope it warms up enough to have your window open!

    That's funny about you in the dungeon! Nature sometimes calls ... :)


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