
Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The local groundhog saw his/her shadow, and so did I, guess we get more winter!
We are finally behind last years totals in snowfall so far for the season. But last year February and March were bad, so who knows what could happen. But the weather guy is saying it could get nice and warm by the end of this week and our snows will go away! We shall wait and see.

Plus lots of my furiends in the UK gots lots of snow and they don't usually get much snow. So they have lots of extra mum days to snuggle.


  1. It's been unseasonably warm here. 49F in NYC!! Hopefully that means no more snow.

  2. It was nice an sunny here, too, but still cold.

  3. Why do you want the snow to go away? We never have snow in malaysia :(

  4. You look very regal sitting there. And you look like your coat is nice and thick and furry so you will stay nice and warm until the snow is gone!

  5. Mommy would love to see our snow dissapear.
    You are loking extra-handsome today Derby!

  6. The snow missed us again! Everywhere else had it even just half a mile away but all we got was enough flakes to barely cover the ground. Further onto the moors, about 10 miles from us they had 9 inches and it is still snowing there.

  7. We're suppose to get snow today and it is cold.So I'm just staying in my tent.

    I'm having a contest please go to my blog and see :)

  8. We just noticed you were the same age as us when you were adopted. Cool. We dread February. They are talking about snow and ice and cold and ... brrrr.

  9. Drat. I want open windows! We have had lots more snow and colder temps this year. We hope we don't get a blizzard in Feb and Mar again like we did last year...

  10. Pretty pose! and warm inside!

    Teri and the cats of Furrydance

  11. We'll be happy when all the snow goes away!!!

  12. Even we have snow here in NJ. We can't wait for Spring already!!


  13. I hope you get your nice warm weather Derby! Today was quite nice here. If I were a groundhog--I'd have seen my shadow too.

  14. What a nice pose you are striking in this picture Derby! Our weather guesser says the same thing...warmer by the weekend! We hope so!

  15. we hadded snow 28 of 31 days in January. ugh

  16. I am more than ready for spring...even if I don't go outside!

  17. Stoopid groundhog. I wish winter would just go away and take its snow and cold.

  18. Our snow keeps disappearing, then coming back. If the air will stay clear so Meowm can breathe good, we are hoping for no more snow.

  19. Yoo mite get more winter, but it's sposed to get into tha 60's here in a few days! Sheesh. Yoo send us some of yore snow and we'll send yoo some of our hots. Then we'll all be in tha middle.

    Pee Ess. That's a grate portrate, Derby. Oh and yoo wanna come yell at Bizzy wif us and poop on its pillow if we can find it?

  20. We've presented you with an award today, so please drop by our blog to pick it up:)

  21. Hi, Derby!! Thank mew for stopping by my blog!! I see mew are in Waukesha County. My mom's boyfriend goes there for work about once a month or so, and she even accompanied him once, and tells me she'll be doing it again this spring. I cannot WAIT to get her out of the house! When the RAT's away, the CAT will play! MEOW!!!

    P.S. Mew are good-looking! Hello, Sailor! MEOW!

  22. I hope it warms up for you and makes the snow die a melty death. We've been warm here, which means open windows and sunspots. That's always nice.

  23. I like how the shadows compliment your wideness in that pose.

  24. hey, it's thursday and you only still haf tuesday's post up! you ok?

  25. I hope it gets warm for you soon, Derby. That is a furry handsome picture of you.

    Our snow from last Monday is about two-thirds melted now, but the weatherman says there is MORE going to fall on London tomorrow, but not as much as on Monday. We shall see! My mum's class are fed up because they haven't been allowed out at playtime for two days because the playground is like a giant sheet of ice.

  26. That silly groundhog needs to stop looking for his shadow. I can't wait for spring.

  27. My, you're looking particularly Mancatly in that pose, Derby. Very mature and wise, I'd say.


    PS. Mom heard it was 82 in Phoenix today. How about we all move to Arizona!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.