
Monday, August 17, 2009

ManCat Monday

A Cat, with its phosporescent eyes that shine like lanterns and sparks flashing from its back, moves fearlessly through the darkness, where it meets wandfering ghosts, witches, alchemists, necromancers, grave-robbers, lovers, thieves, murderers, grey-cloaked patrols, and all the obscene larvae that only emerge at night. -Theophile Gautier 1811-1872

What? Is he saying we have lazer beam eyes? Yes we kittie's do! Here is a nice picture of me with glowing eyes. This is one of mum's early pictures of me and also one of her favorites.
The hot and stickies are here. After mum finished her outside work on Caturday, she didn't do much for the rest of the weekend. Well, she did get the shopping done, the laundry etc. But stayed inside with me where it was cool. We is hoping for some rain.

Grampie continues to be OK, but will have some tests on Thursday.


  1. It is a gorgeous picture of you and your laser eyes. FAZ

  2. That is a great picture of you with laser eyes! It is good that your grampie is still doing ok. We will try to send some of our rain over to you - but it just made it more sticky here (but still hot) so I hope that doesn't happen for you!

  3. Laser beam eyes, yes.

    When we were outdoor kitties, before being rescued and brought into the indoors, we didn't run into those kind of beans.

    Stay cool and unstuck.

  4. I like that photo too. I hope your Grampie passes his tests on Thursday!

  5. Watch out for the kitty laser eyes!

    Hope Grampie's tests come out good.

  6. Ooooh, those are lovely lasers, Derby! Kind of mild, but very effective.

    Hope Grampie's tests go well, we're still purring for him!

    Purrs and hugs,
    The Kitty Krew

  7. pretty laser eyes. We got some rain today, hope you get some to cool things off.

  8. That is a great picture of you with laser eyes!
    It is good that your grampie is still doing ok.

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  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Laser eyes are awesome!
    We are purring and purraying for your grandpa. We hope he feels better soon.

  11. "ghosts, witches & obscene larvae"? You'd better keep those lazers on high beam, Derby!

  12. My mom said my vet once let her look with his instrument into my eyeballs!

    Kitties retinas are absolutely gorgeous to look at and her vet explained how they look like lazer eyes.

    So, next time you have to go see your vet tell your mum to ask to look inside your gorgeous lazer eyes.

  13. We agree. We cats meet the weerd Beins at night. But its the Beins who are weerd, not us.

  14. That's a great picture of you. We hope the hots go away soon. We hope your Grampie did well on his tests.

  15. I agree to your point.. That is a great picture of you with laser eyes!
    It is good that your grampie is still doing ok.

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  16. we're glad to read the good news about your grampie's tests! we know next week will go just as well.

    hey, when mommy read your comment about how freaky it is the Bengals beat the Patriots, we realized that the Reds also won that night. so she bought a lottery ticket. we don't know if we won yet, but freakier things have happened! ha ha ha

    you can telyport over here if you want. it isn't quiet tho. sigh.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.