
Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The other night mum wented to the sleepy spot and I, Ducky, jumped up on the bed and settled down next to her.

Derby joined us and and picked out a spot by her head. We all fell asleep and had a great snooze together.

I purr all of the time, mum thinks I am distantly related to Misty Everpurr over at The Crew. So it wasn't like I had to purr on demand for Miss Lynn. I just am a little skittish around anybody other than mum. Derby is the friendly one for the both of us.

Plus we got rid of some the chaos, our neighbor Dave, came over and took away the old kitchen table and chairs. So some more space is freed up in the house, mum is happy about that.

When he came back with the slip from the Good Will guy, mum opened the door and Derby went outside into the metal monster room. Mum said some of the words on the bad word list. She quick went out, and closed the door to the house and I could here the big door to the metal monster go down. Then neighbor Dave went bye-bye.

A little bit later mum came back inside with Derby, he didn't get any farther than the metal monster room.

Yes, we both take good care of mum. She drinks lots of fluids when she works outside in the hots, but she waited until it was a little cooler so it wasn't that bad. Comes in and drinks more water and took a long cool shower. The boobie smooshing was just the regular yearly smooshing, we aren't expecting anything bad to come up. A ex-coworker of hers works at the clinic, so they get to catch up while the smooshing is going on. We are purring for her son, a Marine, who is now off in Afghanistan. We hopes he stays safe.


  1. Togetherness is adorable! I love how the kittys all slept next to you!

  2. You guys are precious together, love the photo!...Best of luck to your Mom on the Mammogram and to her friend's son in the war...Have a fun day sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  3. Yoo can't beat togetherness ~ it makes yoo feel yoo belong to a fambly.

  4. you are very good boys to take care of your mom so well

  5. I bet your mom loves having her two boys on the bed with her. Sweet dreams everybuddy.

  6. Now Derby should know better than to rush into the garage when the big door is up. We play in the garage, but only when the door is shut. That way we can climb boxes and sniff stuff and hunt bugs but stay safely "in" ... glad your mom had a good check-up.

  7. You are two good boys to snuggle nicely with your mum. We hope her friends son stays safe too.

  8. You *do* take good care of your mum! And we're glad the mammogram was just a routine thing.

  9. Togetherness is good. We love you picture!

    Good luck to your mum

  10. Garages are very curious places. I am a but leery of ours but I will escape to the true outside much mor quickly.

  11. We're expert snugglers and master nappers, so we give you two paws up for getting on the big bed with mama. We hope her friend's son returns safe!

  12. Our mom wishes we were more like you two when it comes to cuddling on the bed. We are strictly end-of the-bed cats.

  13. You two are so nice to your Mum. She is lucky to have you.

  14. We hope a certain person didn't get too hot while sleeping with you.

    And, Barry Manilow says "Hi". He's our word verification for today.

  15. We're glad you all had a great snooze together! Ducky, I purr all the time calls me a regular purr monster....


  16. Oooooh, you got in the metal monster room? How exciting! Was there anything good to eat there, cuz if not, it probably wasn't worth the trip.

  17. How two TWOgether! MOL

    Love, uSSSSS

  18. that is a nice pik-sher of you two. it is good you takes such good care of your mommeh.

  19. Life is good when you can snoogle with your kitties after a boobie smashin'. We hope that young man stays safe in such a dangerous place...we b purrin...


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.