
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Garden Thursday


Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger. It has been furry hot here over the past week. Almost like mid-summer and mum feels wilted as she isn't used to this stuff yet. In has been in the mid 80's! Supposed to get cooler but still warmer than normal.
Hard to make out but this is the tulip tree down the street, getting ready to bloom.
Our four-sythia in the front yard getting all pretty. The crocus flowers in the front are already done blooming. They don't last long in the warmer weather.

Our four-sythia is so bright you can see it down the street!

Here are mum's flowers, the wind blew them over. She picked them up and stuck them back in the vase, added more water. Most of them are looking ok yet. Mum says they won't last much longer.

That is all for now, Love Virginger.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mama wants to get flower boxes in the worst way, but she knows that we could easily have a blizzard next week!

  3. We're a little worried about how warm it's been in our part of the world. Daffodils and tulips and our bleeding heart should NOT be coming up in March. We, too, could get a freeze.

    All your blooms are so lovely, though, even if early! :-)

    BTW, we're not sure if you knew we'd changed blog URLs, can't remember who knows and who doesn't. In case you don't know, we're now at:

  4. Your four-sythia is furry purrty. Mom misses four-sythia but it doesn't grow here in Florida.

    Too bad your Mum's flowers fell over. The sure lasted a lot longer at your house than they would have here.

    The Florida Furkids

  5. Oh we are sad about her flowers. They are lovely and we hope that your plants don't get an arctic blast or something later on!

  6. your fursythia looks good - our still looks ded

  7. Your four-sythia is very purty. Dis weather makes efurrybody so happy! Can't wait to see pictures of all yur other fluers coming up.

  8. Is getting furry purry in Furginia! Our four-sythia is coming out too. Is a wonderfur time. Fanks fur showing us.
    Love, TK

  9. The four sythia looks very bright and Spring like. It was warm here today as well. It got to nearly mid 60's which is very warm for here.

  10. Oh hi Boys! Thanks for coming by today! My Human has not been helping me visit enough! We love the tulip tree--the Human's yard had one when she was growing up, and a magnolia too. XOXOXO

  11. Virginger, we know what you mean about the weather. It's been very warm here too.

  12. We've had the hots, too. Lots of rain also. Any blooms we had are long gone in the wind. Thanks fur sharing yours. xoxo

  13. Yer four-sythias are lovely! We dont like ours, they keep growing into the flowerbed and TBT has ta keep digging them out each year. They live just on the other side of our fence.


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