
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

Today is May the One, so the first day we can cellybrate May and we do have lots to cellybrate in May!

First, this coming Caturday, May the Four, is Derby Day. So come on over for a party and we can watch horsies run for roses.

Second, next week on Tuesday is May the Seven, which is Derby's  8th Gotcha Day Anniversary. Again, we will be having another party!

 We muddled through and managed to post every day during April. Mum says we may not be able to keep our streak going since she is back day hunting. We will still have ManCat Monday and Garden Thursday for sure. Our party days for sure. Other days as we need to.

And if you posted every day in April, please take the badge as your reward.

 Don't forget the Cinco de Mayo Party on Sunday the Five! We have lots of parties this month.

We want to send out lots of healing purrs to Nissy. Seems she hurted her ligaments and is having surgery today. So we hope all goes well.


  1. Sounds like May is going to be a big party month for you guys! And even if you can't keep up the daily posts, remember - quality over quantity!

  2. Ditto the quality over quantity--and that applies to life in general. :-)

    Thanks for the reminder re: the Derby this weekend, our human totally forgot this year, whereas normally she stays in the loop and makes sure she watches the Triple Crown.

  3. We'll be purrayin for her surgery here. So many parties I'll have to pull out my social calendar to see which I can come for. MOL

  4. D & D...we R sew ther for de next houz trashin partee !! haza wild whitefish wednesday !

  5. Wow, May is gonna be a lot of fun!


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