
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Garden Thursday


Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday! It is nice to be back after a break for a couple of weeks. I let Glimmer have a day, and then Pirate Day was last week Thursday.

Fall is here, things are quiet. Mum has checked the grapes and they are nicely ripe. Mum let her furiend know that they are ready if she wants them for jelly, but so far she hasn't shown up for them. If she doesn't come, we just leave them on the vine for the fevvers to have a nice fresh fruit to eat.

Now last week the boys "borrowed" the CATamaran for pirate day from Team New Zealand. As of that day the Kiwi's only needed one more race win to win the America's Cup. Guess what? New Zealand didn't win another race and today Team USA won the cup. Me thinks the got the boys got the CATamaran all furred up and it didn't sail well. So blame them for the loss!

Mum points out that that the big three on the USA boat were from Britain or Australia, so imported for the win. Maybe no Mericky guys know how to sail good.

That is all for now. Love, Virginger.


  1. How lovely must it be to enjoy that CATamaran.

  2. Awwww... I'm sure a little fur on the CATamaran would only make it sail better.


  3. virginger...if de nayborr does knot come by for de grapes ewe all can make sum WINE !!!! for get de burds.... :)

    heerz two a grate week oh end for everee one, eat plentee oh pie N donuts !!

    grape pie purrhaps !!

  4. I think the boys found to much buried treasure and it weighed the CATamaran down.

  5. We bet the fevvers hope that lady doesn't come get those grapes. :)

  6. Those grapes look very pretty. We hope the birds get some of them! Purrs...

  7. The Human wasn't much interested in the 'Merica's Cup but some of her friends were and they went to watch and they were SO EXCITED but she was all, Meh. We *were* happy the Niners finally won a game though!


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