
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Question Day

It is ask questions of our beans day, so I, Ducky, will be asking the question of mum. Derby did this a few years ago, and he got all into a funk. That won't be me, I don't think I could ask anything of mum that would make me unhappy.

So here we go.

Ducky: Hello Mum, I am happy to have the chance to sit with you.

Mum: Ducky I am happy to sit with you any time.

Ducky: I really only have one question for you.

Mum: Really? Just one thing you want to know?

Ducky: Yep, just one thing.

Mum: OK, go ahead.

Ducky: Why do you love me so?

Mum: I love you because you are the sweetest and most loving little mancat I have ever known. You captured my heart four years ago, your purrs, soft fur, gentleness. Well just everything about you really.

Ducky: Oh wow, you hesitated and got all leaky eyed. I figured I had done something wrong to make you be upset.

Mum: No I am not upset, just feeling how much I love you.

Ducky: I loves you too Mum.


  1. You take good care of your mum Duckey. Seems like she might want a big cuddle with you about now.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. I am glad you asked your human that, Ducky - I don't think my human could have answered that one! She DID answer a whole bunch of other kitties' questions, though!

  3. ummm did you guys ever receive the three way tunnel ? Mom Linda sent it the first week of January right after you won it at my Gotcha Day Pawty. She is a long way away and can't do tracking but we really are biting nails and claws worried you never received it. paw hugs, Savvy

  4. dood...ya better knot let derby heer sum oh thiz conversayshunz....just sayin....


  5. Aw, Ducky, I think you are a Lucky Ducky!

  6. Aww Ducky, you got the bestest answer to your question.

  7. What a sweet question and answer!

  8. That is so sweet. Maw's eyes are leaking now.

    Luf, Us

  9. I think my Human lubs me too. I liked reading your post today.

  10. That's the very best question and answer!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  11. You are such a sweet little fellow Ducky! Very easy to love.


  12. Awwww...that's nice. Now go tell Derby that Mum loves him too.

  13. Ducky, you are a charmer!



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