
Saturday, March 29, 2014


It's about time mum, get our Caturday report up. She ranned off to day hunt for a while first thing, then took the grass eating monster in for a tune up, then swept up the metal monster room floor. All the while we poor kitties are waiting inside for love and treats.

 Ducky hanging out with some of the stuffed creatures that inhabit the guest room.
Derby napping in the sunny front window.

Hope everyone else has a good weekend.


  1. Isn't your human supposed to be at YOUR service on Caturday?!

  2. Sometimes it's good they can keeps themselves busy....I can find soooo many mischiefs to get into when I'm not being constantly watched by the mummy hoomin....

  3. It's Caturday so I absolutely must type for the cats.
    Pepi says that napping in the sunny window looks great.
    Gree says: ZZZZzzzzz
    Boni Maroni says: ZZzzzZZZzz

  4. We hope she got all that stuff out of the way and is spending time with you now.

  5. I hope she didn't spend too long doing all those things. She should know that she needs to wait on you hand and paw.

  6. Your human has been busy. We hope she gets time to relax with you guys now. You all have a nice weekend.

  7. It's Saturday - NO day hunting for your mum! Hopefully she got all the chores done around the house and can now spend the rest of the weekend focussed on you two.

    Sydney, Australia

  8. Sounds like too much work on a Caturday--for human OR feline!

  9. Your mum is smart taking the grass eater in for a tune up well before the need for it arises. Avoid the crowds, you know? Personally, our mom is thinking she won't need it until July, but she's a pessimist.
    You guys wait real patiently! Kitties need to be pros at waiting since the people are always making us wait and wait and wait!

  10. I'm sure you got lots of love and treats later :-)

  11. It sounds like your peep was way too busy. She's supposed to be making a fuss over you, not the lawn mowing monster!

  12. Sounds like your human is working much too hard!

    Try sitting on her chest so she can't get out of bed. HahaMeow!

    Have a super Easy Sunday!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.