
Monday, March 3, 2014

Mini ManCat Monday

After scolding one's cat one looks into it's face and is seized by the ugly suspicion that it has understood every word. And has filed it for reference. - Charlotte Gray

HiYa Ducky here. Mum was on Derby's case all weekend. He kept putting his paws, face and other body parts into places mum didn't want him to be.

 Here he is pushing his face into mum orinch juice! Sh needs this to keep healthy. He also did her tea, hot chocolate and soup!

He got put down on the floor lots of times and I kept hearing "No Derby" more times this weekend than usual.

Me, I was just my sweet little self. Except when I jump off the tower and landed on mum's boobities! She wasn't expecting it, so let out a big "OOOF" when I landed.

Still cold and it snowed a bit this weekend too. So to brighten things up, here is a summer pictures, maybe summer will come soon.


  1. Aww, he's just sampling stuff to make sure it tastes ok for your mummy!! He's a good boy really!

  2. Aww, he's just sampling stuff to make sure it tastes ok for your mummy!! He's a good boy really!

  3. We're always trying to taste test the people's food around here, MOL!

  4. You two need to behave better for your mum!

    Sydney, Australia

  5. It sounds like you two are keeping your human on her toes!

  6. "No?" That word has no meaning to us.... :-)

    Gorgeous butterfly shots...We wish Spring would hurry up and get here, it's been a relentless and brutal winter.

  7. Doesn't your mum realise that Derby was only checking that everything tasted good before she tried it?

  8. kitties are naturally quality control dudes.

    emma and buster

  9. You're keeping your mom pretty busy, aren't you? We try to taste test food around here whenever we can.

  10. Sometimes it's fun to be extra curious, you never know what you might hot chocolate really is HOT and you might get burned!

  11. I'm a good boy like you, Ducky.

  12. Derby was just taste-testing that juice to make sure it was okay for your mum. We try that too and always hear NO. Oh well.

    Thanks for those summer pictures. They help when all we see here is snow, snow and more snow.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.