
Monday, June 30, 2014

Mini ManCat Monday

Dogs will drop everything and come when you call. Cats check their schedule and fit you in. 

HiYa, Ducky here. Firsted, thanks to everyone who stopped in for my purrthday party. We had a BLAST!. So grate to have all sorts of furiends stop by, even if just for a little bit. Thankfully the buffet was always full. I do remember more than a few cats nomming their way through the fish!

 So Derbs and I are going to rest up today. We know mum will be off to day hunt for a long time until she is done with closing her quarters!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Purrthday Party!!!!!

Welcome everyone! This weekend, specifically Caturday is my purrthday. I am a whole 6 years old now.

Iffn you got the CB calendar, you will notice that I am the cat of the weekend! The above picture is the one I picked to show me off. My cute face, golden eyes and soft orinch furrs. This is one of the firsted pictures mum took of me once she gotcha'd me.

We are going to party all weekend, so feel free to stop in when you can. Go other places if you need to and come on back. We will be in party mode all weekend.

We can check out the house and even outside the house. Maybe we can check out the trail, although we have to watch for woofies and bicycles!

Feel free to mingle with the gang and be sure to help yourself to the goodies on the buffay table, food, drinks and nip cake!

Thanks for stopping by and cellybrating with me!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger and Glimmer.

Glimmer reporting in. A few general highlights, mum is trying to farm this year. She planted seeds to grow gourds. So far she has four decent plants coming along. She hopes she actually gets a few gourds!
They are working on the trail when they can between the rains. Looking west from our house, the path will be much wider.
Looking east, they cut down a nearly deaded tree from behind our neighbors house. You can see the warning gates where the street is. Since they are widening it, mum will have less grass to cut!
Mum walked down a trail a bit, this is when she turned to come back to the house. We are right across from wher the big spruce tree is.
Virginger here, mum and me were inspecting and came across a flower than mum never amembers seeing. Guess the sqwerls stole it from someone else and planted it in our yard. Mum thinks it is a type of iris.

Then one of the flowers mum bought a month ago at the sale is already blooming. It is a white coneflower. The other one she bought is flowering too and they both have more flower buds forming!
Still rainy and foggy, we are hoping for sun really soon.

That is all for this week. Love Virginger and Glimmer.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday This and That

Hey it is Derby.

Seems like lots of you enjoyed my moovie, biscuits, kneading, butterfly and my wonderful voice. It has been calm around here. We send mum off to day hunt in the AM, then we have time to play, nap, watch what is happening outside.

 Here is Ducky with his favorite toy, big, fat nip carrot.
Me chilling on mum's chair in the back, watching the world go by. At least when the fog goes away. Way too foggy lately, so we can't see far.

Mum is bizzy at the day hunt place, she's at the end of her quarters!

Monday, June 23, 2014

ManCat Monday

Cat people are different, to the extent that they generally are not conformists. How could they be, with a cat running their lives? - Louis J. Damuti, D.V.M.

I am fine after my stabby place visit. Just the typical once a year visit, and the VET found nothing to be concerned about. The only thing I and mum don't care for is about the chill pill. If I don't get it, I am too wild to examine, but it takes furrever to wear off.

Otherwise we had a nice quiet weekend. Mum did her chores, including one where she got all dirty by clearing out the rain gutters of the wet, stinky, rotting maple seeds. Lots of other little chores outside, closely snoopervised by Virginger and Glimmer.

Sunday she had lunch with Miss Lynn, then they went and kicked tires looking for a new metal monster for Miss Lynn. The search continues.

Mum tried to post this vidoe to FB on Caturday evening, you could hear me, but not see me. So here is the pictures and sound. This was me Caturday night, loving my butterfly. I love this toy, I will carry it around and make my deep merrowws. I wake up mum a lot during the might when I decide I want to play with it. Miss Angel Praline sent it to us in our Secret Paw package way back in 2010.

Plus at about the 2 minute mark I look at mum and the movie box and you can see my wonky eye showing the third eyelid. A couple of hours later it was finally going away.

Here is the full mooovie version, complete with credits. It was a bit longer, but blogger wouldn't upload it and kept giving mum an error. So she edited it down a bit, so if the editing is choppy, it is her fault.

We hopes everyone has a good week.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Derby here, hissed off and feeling like a drunken sailor.

The morning didn't start off good. We got stinky goodness, but mum slipped me a mickey pill in my share and then carted me off to see Mr VET man.

 At home, in the PTU, waiting to leave. The only thing is that mum brings out the PTU and I go into it. No fuss or fighting! Imagine that.

 At the office, mum is nice so she makes the appointment for the first thing in the AM. Then the office is quiet and no woofies to stick their stinky faces at me. They may be on a leash, but their humans don't control them very well.
All done, back in the carrier. If you biggify you can sort of see my eyes are wonky, with the third lid coming across. That is what happens when I get a mickey pill.

So once mum got me home and let me out, I gave her a big hiss, and have wandered off to sleep this pill off. Hope the runt leaves me alone for the day.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger and Glimmer.

It has been super wet the past few days. Heavy rain at times, windy, lightning a good bit of which comes when mum is trying to get her sleeps. She is looking furry tired the past few days.  Not much happening in the front of the house. I will toss the report to Miss Glimmer!

Hi! Lots going on back here. I have a good vantage point from atop the box mum bought.
All I have to do is turn around and I can see our butterfly bushes and they have bloomed already.
 They haven't grown big or tall, but we do have flowers. Mum says she will need to get some time to sit and watch for butterflies!
I also have noise to deal with. They are making our path behind the house bigger and then will put something on it other than rock. Mum thinks it will be ashphalt

 So they have had big machines moving the dirt around for now. We don't see as many people using the trail right now.
 This is what it looked liked before they started working on it. Just crushed rock, and when it rained it would be squishy underfoot.
Getting close to home, our house, the blue one, is coming up on the left.

That is all for now. See you next week. Love, Virginger and Glimmer.

Monday, June 16, 2014

ManCat Monday

A kitten is in the animal world what a rosebud is in the garden. - Robert Southey
 This is us over the weekend. Mum cooked outside, so we are waiting for our tastes. We got both some roast beats and chick-hen!
Here is the roast beast and some eggy-plant for mum as well. It was all nice and tasty. Mum didn't take pictures of the chick-hen.

We know we are good to go for some time to come, mum laid in a big stock of litter for us! Had a good sale mum said, might as well stock up.

We want to say farewell to an long time buddy Mr Hendrix along with his alter ego Bendrix. He wasn't blogging much lately, had his paws full helping raising a sticky little thing. See you at The Bridge some day dude.

 We hope you all have a wonderful week.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all of the Father's, Dad's, My Old Man, Food Dude, Gloman, Footon Dude, Not The Mama or Mr. Tasty Face's out there. You know who you are, all the cat guys who are the best thing since, well, Cat Mum's!

Happy Day to you all. Make sure you cuddle your cats today.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Happy Caturday to all. Also for those of us in Mericky, it is Flag Day. Mum has gone out and put our flag up for the day.

We had an introoder into our yard. He/She didn't hang around when mum tried to get a few shots with the flashy box.  It had tags on so, likely out for a stroll for the evening. Fine, just stay out of OUR yard.
Otherwise, we are just taking it easy. Enjoying the fine summer weather, open windows and mum when she is around.
 Ducky with a nice cuddle in mum's arms. Derby on the leopard pillow.
Happy weekend everyone.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Garden Thursday

Hello and welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger and Glimmer. 

We can report that the pee-o-knees are now blooming! Yay! At least the ones in the back that get the most sun.

 Here are the white ones with just a touch of pink.
 The the pink one. The looked really purrty over the weekend. Today we had rain and the blooms are sort of hanging down more. Hopefully they will perk up when it dries out.

Here is a sedum that mum rescued from the destruction last fall. She planted it back near the house and it is growing good!

That is all for this week. Love Virginger and Glimmer.