
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Garden Thursday - Stinky Mayo Day

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday on Stinky Mayo Day. If you have time, stop over at the Tabby Cat Club to cellybrate. Ducky will be probably hanging out, dancing or just being crazy!

Well the mix of a bit of everything in front. Two-lips blooming, hiya-cinths about done, pee-o-knees getting taller.
A few weeks ago this started to show up where mum planted grass last fall. Grass came in just fine. But there were some two-lips hiding and now they are blooming. So while mum killed the rest of the stuff out, but these snuck by and survived.

Our little bush in front, getting green. Mum says it is getting  greener sooner this year. It is a small shrub, but mum would like it to grow a bit bigger.
Yes, the dandy-lions are growing really well, along with other weeds. Mum says she needs to work on these really soon.
Our maple tree, the leafs are starting to show. If it would stay nice, we might actually get some green trees around here.
The brush pile, mum has to move all of this out by the street this weekend, then they will pick it up and take it away. Plus she found a few more places to trim off to add to the pile.
Our poppy flower plant getting big, hiding by the day lillies. Mum should move it but never seems to get around to it.
The crabby apple tree, getting leaves and soon those little pink dots will be purrty flowers.
This is how big the bleeding heart plant is now. Growing fast.

That is all for this week. Remember Caturday is Derby Day. It was Derby's Gotcha Day and the horses will run for roses. Stop by, there will be partying!

Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.


  1. That dandy-lion is a beauty! Well done mum.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. dood....we wood like ta say happee earl lee gotcha day coz we iz knot
    a loud online on de week oh ends... ore like ever hard lee.....hope yur dayz
    total lee awesum, hope mum cooks ya sum roast beest, N joy yur day with
    best fishes, happee day wishes & heerz ta 900 MOR gotcha dayz witha yeer
    a head filled with happee nezz & health !!!! ♥♥♥

  3. Isn't it funny how well weeds grow?? Happy Cinco de Mayo!

  4. Very pretty flowers. Happy belated Cinco de Mayo!


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