
Monday, July 18, 2016

ManCat Monday

A meow massages the heart - Stuart McMillian

Mum says this is going to be an exciting week. Hmmm, I wonder what is up. Oh yeah, the last days of day hunting. Mum is counting them down, days, hours, minutes. She even has something special to wear that day!
We had a quiet weekend. Mum did her usual chores, readed books and even took a nap. I held her down for a bit so she rested. She did grill and make roast beast, she shared. Nice and tasty, medium rare. Yummy.

Mum talked with Uncle Stormy tonight about going to visit. So if you go, does that mean party time for me? We shall see.


  1. How sweet of you to make sure she rested.

  2. dood...tell mum ta call in sick for de rest oh de week....
    what R they gonna her !!!!!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  3. She must be really excited! You will be to, when you have her around more often to keep you company.

  4. If she's that excited, don't share any nip with her, Ducky!

  5. Looks like she was trying on wearing you to the day hunting gig, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. That sounds exciting for your mom!

    Thank you so much for celebrating my 10th Birthday with me! Purrs, Dragonheart

  7. Our mom bean is soooooo jealous of your mom. We hope you both enjoy all the extra time together!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.