
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Fall is here and we are seeing signs of it in our garden and nearby. Below is a tree mum sees on one of her walking routes. Just beginning to turn to orich. That is a good color to be.
 Mum bought a new door mat for the back door. A foxy fox! It looks good and it will keep her from dragging dirt into the house.
 The only flower we still have that is blooming in our yard. We have three sedum plants and they are getting to the dark pink stage.
 Here is one of the cone flowers in the front, flower heads pretty much gone.
 Sweet potato vine is finally growing very nicely, but the impatients are toast!
 We got so much rain the past few weeks it knocked all the flower petals off, leafs too. Poor things are straggley looking.
 Here is the big planter, here too the impatients are gone, but the other thing that mum put it is doing OK. Mum can't amember the name of it anymore!
That is it for now, things are winding down outside. Thanks for visiting.

Love, Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Monday, September 26, 2016

ManCat Monday

There is no more intrepid explorer than a kitten. - Jules Champfleury

Well I still explore, I try to do that every morning down in the dungeon. That is why mum held me in the hot rain room afore she left on her trip. That way she didn't have to find me later. She wanted and needed to get on the road as soon as she could. 
 Don't worry, I haven't been holding a grudge. Matter of fact mum thinks I am more lovey than ever! I loves siting on her to get my scritches, sleeping on her and just generally hanging out with her. With the exception of my morning diversion down in the dungeon.

Feetsball Report

The Pack - They looked fantastic in the first half. Looking like The Pack we want to see. Score early and often. QB ARodg had 4 TD's and no INT's. Second half they only managed a field goal and hung on to win.

The Broncos - mum has decided to stick with them as her AFC team. They beat the them Bengal kits.

Have a good week everyone!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Caturday - Retirement 101 - Session 6

Happy Caturday everyone. Hope everyone had a nice week off from our retirement sessions. Plus, the time off leads directly into our topic of the week, your humans being away.

 I figured something was up, just didn't know exactly what. Mum not only had her red traveling back out, but a bigger one too. She put lots of things to wear inside, then zipped it shut to keep me out!

So on Thursday the 15th, me and mum were snuggling like we usually do in the AM, but then she scooped me up and put me inside her hot rain room! Hey!
 Then I also noted that the PTU was sitting just outside and thought, I gotta go to the stabby place? Wasn't I just there and got a clean bill of health? No, something far more complicated!
It was a short ride and then mum took me inside a building. I hadn't been there afore, but I could smell kitties and woofies. Then I got taken and put inside my deluxe accomodations for the next week. A two room suite, one for eating, the other side for my litter box.
I got treated nice, played with, treats and just generally treated like the VIK that am. My suite was just inside those corner windows. So I had a nice view of outside.The place is associated with a Stabby place, so if I got sick, I had help right there.
Then mum took off and didn't come home for a week. She drove and drove and drove her metal monster to the OK state to see her brother, and her nephew and family. Plus she saw a bunch of stuff.
Caturday, a trip to Woolaroc, they saw stuffed and real animals. An old fashioned house, Native American items and history on the Phillips family and company.

Hmmm, seems they crashed the Phillips Company picnic! Mum said she joked with the one guy who told her to keep driving to the main parking area about crashing the party. He said go ahead! They did, water, soft drinks, ice cream, games!
Then a few days later mum went to a sad place, Oklahoma City National Memorial. She says she remembers this far too well as she was on the phone with a sales rep in Oklahoma City, suddenly the call ended in a burst of static. It was the charged particles of the bombing disrupting the call.

 The chairs, the little chairs are for the children who were killed.
 The view of the reflecting pool, this was the street that ran in front of the building. 
The time before the blast, the time after.

The view from inside the museum looking across to the area of the chairs.
Across the street to the west there is a church, they put up this as a memorial as well. Also very moving.
More to see later, the OK State Capital building, complete with its own formerly working oil well out front.
Then more on history and when and how OK became a state. Seems they took land from the Native Americans and gave it to other peoples.
Then time to come home to me, but with a few stops along the way for more visiting and museums. Off to the Land of Lincoln and the Lincoln Museum in Springfield. Mum liked this place, full of history and well done she says.

Then finally home to me. We have been having lots of nice snuggles together.
Plus mum found this in her paperwork after we had been home a day. Seems they even told her what to do with me at first. Mum put food and water out right away and once I was done exploring the house to check it out I chowed down. I have been snuggling with her lots and lots. Even doing multiple trips walking up and down here while she was in the sleepy spot.
 I know other kitties have people come to their house to take care of them. Mum wasn't impressed with the ones that are around here. The old place mum used to take us, I was only there once, wasn't as nice. This was the same cost as a pet sitter, nice that next door was a stabby place in case I got sick. When mum dropped me off one of the vets even came out to talk to mum.

So whatever works for you, get a good sitter or place to stay. I know mum would not leave me forever, so while I missed her, I knew she would be back.

The bad news, is now that she is not working, I have a feeling more of these trips will happen.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Fall has arrived! Well officially it is at 9:21 AM here in the Central Time Zone and being on Daylight Saving Time. So depending on when you are reading this, it still might be summer! Whatever, this is all fancy human talk.

 The sedum is starting to turn to pink, it will get a deeper pink over the next few weeks. Mum says she saw a really deep pink one already.
 The cone flowers in the back. The seeds are from the nyger feeder than hangs above it. The top one the goldy finches haven't eaten the seeds. Below, they have picked this one clean.
 Out front that cone flower, well one flower is all dried up, the other is looking purrty good yet.

Mum fixed her World War One poppy. The washer that held the flower up broked, she found new one that worked to keep it in place.

That is all for today. Love Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Monday, September 19, 2016

ManCat Monday - Meow Like a Pirate Day

Cats are a tonic, they are a laugh, they are a cuddle, they are at least pretty just about all of the time and beautiful some of the time.  -  Roger Caras

 Aye ye land lubbers, 'tis talk like a pirate day! As the new captain, I be taken the Good Ship Sassycat out for a nice sail.
I have my first mate Dora along side to give me a paw when needed. She makes a mighty fine pirate lass, she does!
Now iffin' you thinks ye can just be along for the ride, think again, ye must help out. Unfurl those sails, open the grog and be ready for a good time.

We will toast the memory of Pirate Derby, and all who dare to speak against him, shall be walkin' the plank!
 We be looking for treasures, we is hopin' we be filling this empty chest with some dubloons!

Aye' that be much better, a full chest o' treasure.

Feetsball Report

None, the pirate ship doesn't have wide screen HD TV. Bummed, but there are windows here!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Caturday - Retirement 101 - Half Term Holiday!

You all have been so good I am giving you, me and mum the weekend off. We all deserve a bit of a break.

See you soon.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Garden Thursday

Hello and Welcome to Garden Thursday with Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.
 The fevvers or sqwerls planted us a sunflower that is blooming now. Mum feeds lots of sunflower seeds to the fevvers, so now and then one of them actually grows.
 Yep, me and the hummer feeder. We are still seeing hummers at our feeders. Soon they will be commuting south for the winter.

We are seeing signs of fall. Some of the trees are ever so slightly turning to yellows and reds. Mum likes the cooler weather and all. She says it is much nicer to go walking now.

That is all for this week. Love Virginger, Glimmer and Trooper.

Monday, September 12, 2016

ManCat Monday

If you've got a cat and a leg, you've got a happy cat. If you've hot a cat and two legs, you've got a party. - George Carlin.

I am a happy cat, I got four legs, mum has two. I don't think I am hot, as in hot for a girl cat, so no party here.

Sooper happy, the weather really and finally turned. Mum had windows and doors all open both Caturday afternoon and Sunday. Nice sunny day on Sunday, so it was nice to watch outside and see the chippies, sqwerls and fevvers all messing about. Specially the fevvers, taking lots of baffs in the birdie baff. Mum even had to go out and add more water to it as they splashed it all out!

Mum says the weather guessers are saying that there is more nice weather to come this week.

Feetsball Report

The Pack -  The won! Yippee. They looked decent considering it is the first game and they haven't played a game together in preseason. ARodg didn't throw it to the wrong guys, Mr Jordy is back and he looked good too. The defense did their thing, they took it away when they had too and stuffed them on fourth down at the end of the game to prevent them Jags from scoring.

Mum hasn't decided on which AFC team to follow. She did the Bronco's becuz of Mr Peyton. He retired to sit in in baff robe and do commercials! MOL, So it could be them, maybe the Texan's as JJ grew up around here. The Colt's? Maybe someone else. We shall see.

Bronco's won, Texan;s won. Colt's

Happy week everyone!