
Saturday, November 5, 2016


HiYa, Ducky here. Happy Weekend! This is the weekend mum will go and find that hour she hid on us last spring. We will have earlier sunshine in the day.
 This was me the other day - bright and sunny and I was taking a nice snooze in the sun puddle while mum worked outside.
Then she came inside and took a few more pics. I sure do have my paws in an interesting pose!

Mum is at it already, been out and about. Got her flu shot and stopped by the library to see what they had for sale at the bazaar. Mum said lots of over price foods and kitch-hen stuff. Nothing she needed. She did sample one thing and thought it tasty icky. Chocolate sauce and BBQ sauce.

So, help your humans find that hour, we can all use an extra hour of sleeps and naps. Happy weekend.


  1. We found our hour last week, but it means I get my supper later now.

  2. I love Daylight Savings Time because it really messes with Binga - I can't wait to see her face tomorrow when she wonders where dinner is.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.