
Saturday, September 2, 2017


HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday! Plus to all of my Mericky furiends, Happy Labor Day weekend! Hope you enjoy having the beans around for the weekend and mooch off lots of treats.

I had a treat yesterday. Mum went off to do some errands in the morning, but when she came home she had a fish fry! Yep, I got me some fish to eat yesterday. It was good. I even got to lick the wrapper that the butter came in. Yummy!
 The weather has gotten cool for us, but me and mum love it. Neither of us like the hots. Plus lots of sunshine, so I took advantage of a wonder place to do some kitty yoga and a bath. If you biggify the second picture, you can see my tongue.
 Mum has been cleaning, at least more than usual. I thinks we are getting guests soon. Hopefully they won't stay long!

Happy weekend all.


  1. Happy Labor Day weekend, Ducky and Mum! That was a good clean up you were having after your fish.

  2. Hope you and your mum have a great Labor Day weekend!

  3. Yoga after a fish dinner is always a great way to unwind, Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  4. Brats followed by a Friday fish fry.....midwest staples. Licking the butter wrapper is the best!

  5. What an awesome treat! I've never had a butter wrapper to lick. You're lucky!

  6. Yummy ! Have a nice long weekend ! Purrs

  7. What a treat Ducky ! That fish fry looks awesome ! So glad you got a share.

  8. oh yum that fish fry looks delicious!!! Lucky you!!!!!! xoxoxo catchatwithcarenandcody


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