
Saturday, February 23, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Me and mum are planning on staying home at least today. It is going to be an icky day, freezing rain, rain and then maybe a bit of snow tomorrow. Sheesh, can't we just get some spring?

Spring is coming as one of mum's furiends, the place she goes for Turkey Day for duck, said she saw a sandhill crane yesterday. That is a good sign. We need to start watching closer for the early spring birds that should be coming soon.

I will be doing lots of this, hanging out on the hammick. Mum may make a batch of soup.
 Mum caught me checking out the pod the other day. I like to nap here during the spring, summer and fall. We are starting to get more sun back here, but the snow bank is so high I can't see much unless I sit on the chair or my tower.
Everyone have a good weekend. Stay warm, stay safe.


  1. Home,and warm sounds like a great plan.

  2. Mom will be here all weekend with us. We got snow yesterday, so we agree with you--home is the best place to be!

  3. Indoors is best. your mum doesn't want to be going out in icy rain!

  4. We love staying indoors too when the weather is nasty outside. Sounds like a good plan you and mum have. Some delicious soup and some relaxing. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  5. Hope that the pod becomes the best place to be nap really really soon Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  6. Staying warm and cozy indoor sounds like a great plan ! Purrs

  7. I've heard red-wing blackbirds a few times (NE Ohio)

  8. Ducky, on both Saturday AND Sunday, 'I' was the hammock for Manny and Chili Bruce; they crawled up on me and slept like babies! I had my earbuds in, listening to an audiobook, and we all had a wonderful time!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.