
Saturday, March 9, 2019


HiYa Ducky here. Happy Caturday. Hope your weekend is getting off to a wonderful start. We are having a quiet weekend here. Mum has already started to move the clocks forward. She still has the clocks in the car and the auto thermostat to do, the rest will reset themselves.

We can tell spring is coming our goldyfinches are starting to turn again to bright yellow. Sort of splotchy at this point, but it is a start.
Mum is working on her hats, here is a pic of what she has gotten done in the last week. She was thinking maybe to do one a day. Ummm, mum, I think you are a bit of an over achiever.  12 hats in 8 days! Plus she has been doing other stuff. Reading, helping at the food pantry, doing some library volunteer stuff too.
Mum has been doing a bit of spring cleaning too. Ran the clean cycle on the hot as hell box which meant she had the window open in the kitch-hen to keep the smell and heat down. She even opened the window in the sleepy spot just a little bit overnight. We heard birds singing outside this AM. 

Me, well, lots of naps, fevver watching, playing with mum. Everyone have a good weekend. Be safe and warm and dry.


  1. Those are lovely bird photos! Enjoy your weekend!

    The Chans

  2. Our clocks don't go forward for another 3 weeks. Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Those are cool birds and darn cool hats too!

  4. Your mum certainly keeps herself busy busy busy, Ducky. You may need to spend more time sitting on her to make her keep still and relax.

    Sydney, Australia

  5. Sounds like you both are having a great weekend!

  6. We can only dream about open windows, but each day brings it closer to reality.

  7. We just have the same old birds here. Although we did have a slew of crows visiting yesterday. That was fun!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.