
Monday, July 1, 2019

ManCat Monday

I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is infinitely superior. - Hippolyte Taine

Happy July 1. Today we cellybrate our naybors to the north. Happy Canada Day to them. We had an OK weekend. Hot, humid and a bit of storms, but not so much that we had damage by us.

Mum got out early yesterday and did her errands afore it got all hots. Then she stayed home with me, watched some baseyball.
Lots going on this month, we need to have fun, but while we are having fun, we don't want to get lost or run away from home. With the scary boomers fireworks some cats and dogs may want to run away from home. We don't want that.
Also we lost sweet Binga over the weekend. She made it to the grand old age of 19. We send comforting purrs to her family.
So, this week we will take it easy. Mum doesn't have too much scheduled cuz of the holly-day. Good, she can stay home and snuggle with me. Happy July.


  1. It was sad about Binga, wasn't it? But 19 is quite an achievement. Here's hoping that you top it Ducky.

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Happy July and Happy Canada Day to our north neighbors, too! We had a big storm here last week though with no wind, just highly unusual thunder and lightning. A LOT of that! We'll be making our annual Fourth of July fort under the bed for Wednesday and you can bet Mom will be in there with all the kitties, reading and sharing snuggles, kisses and treats.

  3. We have the sads for Angel Binga too. We had a lovely weekend, when the humidity dropped. Now, it's ramping back up again, so it's time to wear shorts!

  4. Thank you for remembering Binga. We miss her lots.

  5. We're sure sad about dear Binga. Happy Canada Day to our Canadian pals. I wonder if they would take all of the fireworks?

  6. Happy Canada Day to our friends ! We're very sad about Binga too. Purrs

  7. Hey Ducky. Hope your weekend was great. Sounds like a good plan for this holiday week. Cuddles and relaxing with mum. Happy Canada Day!!! Thanks for the share. Have a great one.
    World of Animals

  8. Happy Canada Day. WE are sad about Binga.

    Emma and Buster

  9. We were HOT HOT HOT this weekend, with yesterday getting to 98°. Thankfully we got afternoon rain and that cooled it down. It's time for us to crank up the whining about the heat!

  10. Hi Ducky! I'm glad your Mom will be home for snuggles - that makes for the VERY BESTEST DAY doesn't it? We are sad about Binga too - she was a big part of things at Sparklecat.

    Love, Teddy

  11. dood stayin home N chillaxin izza grate thing; hope ya both haza happee N safe 4th ~ ♥♥

  12. Do you wanna hear something funny, Ducky? For us and the way Canada is situated, they’re actually our neighbors to the southeast!


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