
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Throw Back Thursday

Well we thought our snow was gone, but we got a hit yesterday which melted by lunch time. There is a tiny pile of snow where it got piled up, we hope it is gone soon.

Spring is coming, you can see the shoots of the new plants coming up from the ground. Mum took this pic a few days ago, we can see more green shoots now.

Today's throw back is to my first long post where I told you my story.

Ducky's Story
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Hi ya all, I have been here now for a month today, so as you guys say I can celebrate my one month Gotchaversary.

The lady said I can tell you my story. Well as much as I can remember, or she has been told.

I was first at the shelter as a kitten, in late summer 2008. They figured I was about 8 weeks old at the time. I got treated for worms as I had an icky grub on my furs that finally got taken away. Plus I got my manbits taken away. Over the next couple of months I was a bit sick, and got treated for being a sneezy guy. But once I was all healthy, I got adopted.

Can't tell you much about my first home, they had my front claws taken out and I kept getting outside and finally got outside for good. In winter of this year I got found with another kittie at a business called Briggs & Stratton, so I got the name of Briggs and the other kittie Stratton. We were brought to one shelter which ID's us by our chips and I went back to my original shelter,
HAWS. Also from my chip they called the people who adopted me first, but they said they didn't want me back.

Once I was all healthy again, I got put with the other kitties for adoption. I had some nice neighbor kitties to chat with. Some like me had been on the run, other had peoples who couldn't care for them any more. One kittie was probably three to four times my size, his name was Meatball.
I was just hanging out one day and visiting hours were just starting when this lady came in, she said hi to me and to Pouncer who was next to me. This is the main kittie room at the shelter. The lady says this is all new and yes it is, I don't remember this at all. There are two fancy display rooms at the end and the windows on the far side are along the main entry walkway. There are nine apartments on the side, another display area, another nine apartments to the right off the picture edge. To the left are three large apartments for large kitties or bonded pair kitties. Then the lady went to look at Meatball and went WHOA, what a big kittie. Then she talked with a shelter bean for a bit.

Then a shelter people got me out of my apartment, and took me in a little room. The lady was there too and she had toys that we could play with. I got played with, cuddles, scritches and all. Then she left. Here is me in the little room with the lady when she played with me.
In a little bit a different shelter people came in and put me in a carrier and took me out front. The lady was in a chair signing the papers for me. I was going to go to live in her home now. On the way back she talked all about this Derby guy, and how nice I would have things. Once we stopped, I got taken inside and into a back room and the doors closed. The lady just had me sit in the carrier for a bit while I heard her getting stuff together in the nearby room. Then she opened the carrier and left me alone. I jumped out and for safety headed under the bed! When the lady came back, she just laid down on the floor and watched me. I soon got over my shyness and came out. The lady then sat on the bed and I jumped up there too. So my first days continued like this, having my own suite of rooms. The lady would spend time with me and time with the big kittie. Then she actually let us see each other, and in a few more days had time together. I can hold my own against the big kittie, but the lady is only letting us be together when she is around. She says she needs to referee us at times.

Well for now it is nice as I get to sleep with the lady at night. She doesn't mind when I jump on the bed at night and snuggle with her. The other morning my crunchies were gone, so I kept pouncing on her until she finally got out of her sleep and fed me!
The lady says in time that Derby and I will share our lives he will accept me and be nice to me and I will be nice to him. That means he has to share his blog with me too. Oh yes he does!

Vital Statistics

Date of Birth (estimated) - 6/28/08

Latest Gotcha Day - 2/13/10

Weight - 7 pounds 5 ounces

Full Name - Mallard Olympus CutiePie - A Mallard is a duck, Olympus since I was adopted while the 'Lympics were on. The lady's dad said I should be Oly since Derby is for Derby Day, but the lady said no, it could be my middle name. CutiePie, because I am!

Ducky is better, I am a tiny boy, I don't need a super long name!
I see so many kitties out there who like me now have wonderful homes. I am happy for my new home and for your nice words and kindness in welcoming me to the great big world of the blogosphere.

Thank you.


  1. Luved reading your Gotcha story Ducky! Can't believe your first people didn't want ya back - but ya got a better home the second time!

  2. I only remembered parts of your Gotcha Day story, Ducky. I am sorry your first home had your front claws stolen. I am glad though that they didn't want you back because you found a far better forever home, in fact it is the best!

  3. You have quite the story Ducky, but you sure landed where you were meant to be!!!

  4. Ducky, it's sad to know that your front feet were damaged, but you've got the bestest furrever home now! Happy Gotchaversary, dear boy!

  5. dood....thanx for sharin yur storee; we R sorree yur furst home sucked but in de long run... de better for ewe; ya came home ta derby, mum, de blog werld N all yur palz....we hope metball finded hiz for everz az well....& tell de galz willna bee long now !!! :) ♥♥

  6. Hey Ducky. We hope that snow is the last you will have this season. We loved reading your throwback story and hearing about how your mum found you. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day.
    World of Animals

  7. Ducky, we think you were smart to run away from those first people. They were pretty stoopy. But what a gain for your mum! And us! We're glad you wound up happy and healthy.

  8. Ducky, we are happy to learn your "backstory". We had not realized you had been declawed. You sure hit the jackpot when your Mum came to the shelter that day !


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