
Saturday, April 11, 2020


HiYa Ducky here. Y..A..W..N. Yep, still up and waiting for mum to head to her sleepy spot. She has been puttering around on the puter reading stuff and looking at data from the stupid virus. Just go to bed mum. It will be there later in the day! Sheesh. I have been camped out on the back of the chair for over an hour now.
 A sign of spring, mum got a pic of this caterpiller moving across the patio last evening and she also saw an earthworm, first of the year. Good signs. Although the other day we also got some of that white stuff from the sky and we may get more on Sunday into Monday.

So just hanging out. Mum does got outside for little bits but tries to stay away from peoples so we can stay healthy.
Stay Happy, Stay Health. Happy Easter to all. Hope the bunny brings you lots of chocolate. Not here, mum hasn't been to the store to buy candy!


  1. Boo hiss indeed!

    Sydney, Australia

  2. Happy Easter to you and your mum, and stay safe and healthy.

  3. Yeah, it's hard for mom and dad to stay away from catching up on the virus stuff. You try to have a great weekend, and as always, stay safe.

  4. I hope you get lots more Spring and no more Winter Ducky!

  5. Signs of spring all over the place! We're supposed to get a cold snap beginning on tomorrow but as long as we're safe, we don't mind. We're staying healthy! We suspect the Easter bunny is sheltering in place too.

  6. Happy spring, and happy Easter ! Purrs

  7. Happy Easter! I hope that was the last of the white stuff for this season.


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