
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Puzzle Thursday

 Woot, I have good news to report. I got hauled off to the stabby place on Toesday to see the vet man. We had a nice short ride there and into the exam room. We waited a few minutes before the tech came in to ask mum all sorts of questions. Then they whisked me back to the treatment room for my once o

Good news, my mouth has healed up just nicely. Even better is that I have gained back a half of a pound. So I still have a bit more to gain back what I lost. Good news I still am getting gooshy foods twice a day. Keep it coming mum. 

We had a super nice day on Tuesday. After we got home from the stabby place mum got the windows all open. Nice breezes. Didn't last long, by early afternoon it got cool and mum had to shut all the windows. Sheesh, can't we get a nice day, all day?

Puzzles for today? Me, me and me!

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can. 

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Monday, April 26, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

We are the ones who have high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart attacks, not cats. - Roger Caras

Well, we may not have those things but we cats do have health issues of our own. We have dental issues our beans don't usually have, kidney issues that don't get diagnosed as quickly as humans do. We can say, "Hey, this hurts" or "I don't feel well". We have to wait until our stabby guys and gals find them. 

Mum pulled all of her blankies out for pics this weekend. Here they are all in two piles!

Mum did a first time grill this weekend, she did porky chops. Why not do pig! It was tasty!

It was cool but sunny on Sunday, mum caught me snoozing in the sun. Going to be warm this week so that means open windows and mum will be working outside bits too.  

So, that is about it for now. Have a wonderful week. 
Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask and get the vaccine when you can.

Saturday, April 24, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday! Things have improved around here. No more snows and we are hoping we don't see any more flakes for many, many months. 

The other day mum did the library drop off of books for her assisted living person. So for the first time since last March mum got to go inside and actually see her. All the residents are vaccinated, all the staff is vaccinated and mum is now vaccinated. So mum was given the OK to come inside. Miss Edie was happy to see mum and mum was happy to see her. They had a nice chat but mum didn't stay long. Miss Edie is now 97 and her brain is sharp as well. Mum brings 8 books a month to her and she gets them all read!

Plus the weather being nicer mum went out to get some of her work done. She has dead wood to get out to the shrubs in the back. So she trimmed of the old shoots from the trumpet vine and worked on cutting the trees she doesn't want too. She has more work to do on the trees. 

So once mum finished her  outside stuff she came inside and hung out with me. She did some reading and then some crow-shay. No more blankies for now, she is on to making hats with the yarns left over from the blankies. You might recognize the yarns from some of the recent blankies.

So not sure what mum will do today, maybe some outside work again. Maybe not. She did find out from the naybors about the new baby. A girl named Athena. Ollie the dog is now a big brother and according to the human is doing OK with the burpy thing. 

You all have a wonderful weekend. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Puzzle Thursday

 Well, sorry to be late. Mum forgot all about doing this earlier afore she went to the sleepy spot. Guess she was super sleepy last night. 

From the weather guessers it has been icky. Freezing cold, snow, frostyness etc. The landscape guys came Toesday and made all the flower beds look super nice. Then Wednesday it was cold and off and on snow during the day. Enuf snow to stick for a little bit. 

Flower beds look good, now if mum could get the grass to grow better here. She is happy that big chore is done and she didn't have to do it. They cleaned out the beds, pulled weeds and such, even trimmed back a few things like the four-sith-ia.

The snow and if you can tell the sun is shining at that moment.

Mum was going out for a bit, when she got home an hour later, all snow gone.

This morning, all frosty on the ground and roofs. Some frost, some bit of snow. Bright sunshine so hopefully it will warm up quickly. 

The bad thing was that it did snow so hard at times you couldn't see far. Our roads never got bad but the super highway just north of us did and lots of cars and trucks crashed together. One lady died, so we send purrs out to her family. 

I'll just nap that day away until spring really comes back. 

Today's puzzles, me! Plus one of the flag from Prince Philip. Mum finally watched all of it on Toesday, she thought it was very nice. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.

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Monday, April 19, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

The difference between Momma and Papa is that Momma loves morals and Papa loves cats. - Mark Twain's daughter, Susy 

Hmm, who loves cats more? Cat Mom's or Cat Dad's? We think we know more cat moms that dads, but we are sure everyone loves cats!

Here are some pics of the trees just getting some leaves on them and getting green. The weather was nice, sunny and pretty normal temps.

Here are some of the racy cars, group A above and B below. It was a school for new peoples getting into racing. Thankfully all was good.

Mum took the above pics on Friday and she was there Caturday. She got up early on Sunday, but her ankle was all achy so she stayed home, keeping her footy up as much as possible. She did do trips to the dungeon for laundry and she eve mowed part of the lawn. She will do the rest today. Limit the walking

I tried to keep her sitting, reading her book or working on her crow-shay. I do my best to keep her be good to herself. 

Mum says it was so nice to see her furiends again. To catch up on stuff, even exchange a few hugs. All of her mates are vaccinated, so that made it good. However the local place said they had to wear masks all the time, even outside. 

So mum is going to chill as much as she can today. I will help her do that. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here. Well mum has abandoned me, at least during the day. It is that time of year to go and play with racy cars. This weekend is all about schooling the newer drivers. Mum said she did a lot of pointing and will be doing more of the same today and tomorrow.

Mum said she enjoyed being outside in the sunshine and nice weather for a good part of the day. She came home last night, did a few things and went to bed early and up and out early today too. 

I'll stay home and nap in the sun, thank you very much. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Puzzle Thursday

 Another Thursday is here and our really nice weather that we had over Easter has gone away. The windows are closed, the heaty monster is working and mum is wearing a jacket inside sometimes. She has a light tshirt on. Put on some long sleeves mum!

I miss the open windows, the nice breezes. Mum did get some outside work done and cut back the grape arbor good. She hasn't been able to get the support thing to stand straight on her own. May need to find a another body to help her out. 

Not much happening here, rather boring these past few days. 

The hostas are starting to peek out of the ground. Pretty pink hi-ya-cinths are looking super good this  year. 

Plus handsome me!

Puzzles for the week. Remember to wear your mask, stay safe and healthy and get that vaccine!

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Monday, April 12, 2021

Mini-ManCat Monday

Amazing products, cats. And real simple to manufacture. - Michael O'Donoghue

Manufacture? I am a one of a kind meow machine. My fur mom and dad made me a one of a kind kit, along with my litter mates!

We had sunshine on Sunday so I staked out my spot in mum's lap to soak up sun and love from her. I loves sitting in mum's lap.

Yeah, mum I am going to sit here until you get out my new gooshy food stash, don't be sitting there reading your book, I needs my gooshy foods!


Ha, I will show her, she doesn't like it when I get here. I sneak along the back of the cabinet, the to the speaker where I chew a bit on the silk flowers!

Mum went for a little drive yesterday to get some pics. There was a fire that burned lots of land, no buildings and no one got hurt. This burned just before Easter. It has been dry here, but we got rain after the fires which helped. The fire was likely started from a spark from the train tracks that run along the south end of the fire. Pics are from the north end of the fire. This is right off a well used road. This was several miles away from our house. No issues here.

 Things are starting to get green here. We are seeing leaves on the trees and shrubs. The grass is growing too. The girls says they are not coming out yet!

Have a good week. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can.