
Saturday, April 24, 2021


 HiYa Ducky here, Happy Caturday! Things have improved around here. No more snows and we are hoping we don't see any more flakes for many, many months. 

The other day mum did the library drop off of books for her assisted living person. So for the first time since last March mum got to go inside and actually see her. All the residents are vaccinated, all the staff is vaccinated and mum is now vaccinated. So mum was given the OK to come inside. Miss Edie was happy to see mum and mum was happy to see her. They had a nice chat but mum didn't stay long. Miss Edie is now 97 and her brain is sharp as well. Mum brings 8 books a month to her and she gets them all read!

Plus the weather being nicer mum went out to get some of her work done. She has dead wood to get out to the shrubs in the back. So she trimmed of the old shoots from the trumpet vine and worked on cutting the trees she doesn't want too. She has more work to do on the trees. 

So once mum finished her  outside stuff she came inside and hung out with me. She did some reading and then some crow-shay. No more blankies for now, she is on to making hats with the yarns left over from the blankies. You might recognize the yarns from some of the recent blankies.

So not sure what mum will do today, maybe some outside work again. Maybe not. She did find out from the naybors about the new baby. A girl named Athena. Ollie the dog is now a big brother and according to the human is doing OK with the burpy thing. 

You all have a wonderful weekend. 

Stay safe, stay healthy, wear a mask, get the vaccine when you can. 


  1. Our library staff had an virus outbreak, so it's closed for now...bummer.
    As if that stops me from reading, since there are hundreds of books around here that I need to read.

  2. Hooray for the Mom's out n' about. Those are sure some pretty yarns Ducky!

  3. That was nice for your mum and her friend that they were allowed to meet again. We are having sunny days, but the nights are still frosty. I have been digging over the ground which got rock hard over winter. As soon as it warms up at night I can get my bedding plants planted out.

  4. That Miss Edie sounds like a very nice person!

    Enjoy your weekend with your Mom, Ducky!

    Tama and Benny

  5. Glad things are improving around there, Ducky. Those hats are pretty!

  6. That pretty hat would look good on you, Ducky!

    Sydney, Australia

  7. Say Ducky, those hats sure do look like a nice cozy accompaniment to a gorgeous ginger kitty!

  8. Miss Edie sounds like an amazing person ! We hope you had a nice weekend with your mom ! Purrs

  9. Such great news that Mom can visit now. Miss Edie knocks out more books than we do what a gal


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