
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Puzzle Thursday

 Another Thursday is here and our really nice weather that we had over Easter has gone away. The windows are closed, the heaty monster is working and mum is wearing a jacket inside sometimes. She has a light tshirt on. Put on some long sleeves mum!

I miss the open windows, the nice breezes. Mum did get some outside work done and cut back the grape arbor good. She hasn't been able to get the support thing to stand straight on her own. May need to find a another body to help her out. 

Not much happening here, rather boring these past few days. 

The hostas are starting to peek out of the ground. Pretty pink hi-ya-cinths are looking super good this  year. 

Plus handsome me!

Puzzles for the week. Remember to wear your mask, stay safe and healthy and get that vaccine!

preview120pieceNappingDucky preview54piecePinky preview96pieceHandsomeDucky


  1. Your flowers are looking pretty Ducky!

  2. WE have had lively hyacinths too this year, but agree that you are much moire handsome, Ducky!

    It's been cold here too!

    Tama and Benny

  3. You do look good Ducky :-D

  4. We have had nice warm days but the nights are still very cold with hard frosts. We did buy some new plants today but they won't get planted until the nights get milder. Thanks for the puzzles.

  5. Ducky, The Hubby and I received vax #2 today!
    And thanks for the puzzles; will play later.

  6. Nice flowers but we liked seeing you Ducky

  7. At least at this time of year you can be pretty sure warmer days will come again soon!


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