
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Hoppy Easter Everyone


Don't put all of your eggs in one basket

Walk softly and carry a big carrot

Everyone needs a friend who is all ears

There's no such thing as too much candy

All work and no play can make you a basket case

A cute little tail attracts a lot of attention

Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day

Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits

Some body parts should be floppy

Keep your paws off other people's jellybeans

Good things come in small sugarcoated packages

The grass is always greener in someone else's basket

An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare

To show your true colors you have to come out of your shell

The best things in life are still sweet and gooey

Happy Easter from Ducky and Mum

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Had a few very rainy and windy days. Great for staying inside and reading! Over an inch of rain, plus I had 4.5 inches of wet snow last Thursday into Friday. So between reading and then time watching NCAA basketball tourney, lots of crochet done too. I need to get my next stack of books put on hold!

The Mystery of the Lost Cezanne the artist lived the town where these books are located. Supposedly a retired postman has a Cezanne he found in his apartment. An apartment in which Cezanne had once lived. Postman is dead and where is this painting?

Deadly Ever After Lucy is celebrating her engagement and unexpected guests show up, her ex-boyfriend and his mother. Then a few days later the ex-boyfriend's father shows up, dead on the back steps of a restaurant.

Haunted House Murder is more of a novella. In it Lucy's grandson comes to visit and then disappears into a haunted house.

Astor is the latest Anderson Cooper book. He wrote about his own family in Vanderbilt, now hitting the other famous family of the Gilded Age. Interesting to read how they made all their money. Also how it all went away, in that at the end, the money ended up in the hands of people who had married into the family. 

 Happy Reading.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Since each of us is blessed with only one life, why not live it with a cat?- Robert Stearns

Yeah, go find a cat or two to live with. I knows me and mum have a good time together. 

We had a visitor last week. We had a snowy day and as mum sat by the fevver watching windows, we saw something we didn't expect. A black and white cat that we haven't seen in the nayborhood before.


Mum got a few pics, but the only of the full face was through the screen. Mum did put out some crunchies but they haven't been eaten. So maybe this kit has a home and was just out roaming in the snow. Be safe little one!

You know you need a pic of me. Here just soaking up the morning sun one day before the snow storm that came in on Friday. No issues, mum got the driveway cleared and out Caturday with no issues. 

 Inspecting the latest blankie while mum works on it with the bracket ball tourney going on. Our fav team losted so is out but mum watches some anyway. She even is checking out the ladies playing!

Doing good here, have a happy week.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

 Hello, well I forgot to get this updated before it posted! Too busy with nothing much really. Watching TV and doing crochet.

 The Great American Recipe Cookbook is based off the second season of the PBS TV show. Publishing the recipes that the people made during the show. None of them really did much for me, plus they are all way more complicated that I like to cook!

I will stick to my basic cooking made up of partially prepared stuff from the store, salads etc. I do like to make soup, easy to do and you get multiple meals each time you make it.

Happy Reading!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday


Actually, cats do this to protect you from gnomes who come and steal your breath while you sleep. - John Dobbin 

The weather has turned colder, I even spied a couple of snow flakes flying around yesterday. Not enuf to make a mess, just flying in the air. 

Thank goodness that the one day mum has to take me out of the house was a nice day. Yeah, I had to go see the stabby man for my routine checkup. 

 Mum getting me ready to go into the metal monster. 

Me and mum waiting for the stabby man. 

Back home later. They stole my bloods and pee, they showed that I am doing just fine. Mum even had stabby appointments this past week too. All her results were good, heck, even improved which made mum happy. So we are all good for another six months. Both of us!

Me holding mum down while she worked on the latest blankie. She even went out and bought more yarns this weekend! Said her shelves weren't full enuf! Sheesh mum, you have a supply that will last you two years here! 

Mum and I did watch a bit of basketball. Seems it is that time of year for brackets. Mum doesn't do them, says she never guesses right anyway. We will have to see how our Whisker-consin teams do!

Have a good week everyone.


Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Time change, nice weather and being busy has made for less reading time. That is OK, a few more days and it will be back to cooler weather outside. Then I will be inside more again, for a while. 

Although I picked up books on Saturday and have read two of them already. Need to get started on the third, then I have six more from this checkout to read. Most of them should be pretty quick reads. 

Plus tonight is trivia night at the library. Third of three months, then we take a break for a month. See if we patrons can beat the librarians! Our team did really well last month, the topics were stuff we knew, for a change.

A Murder at Balmoral includes some revisionist history. Going back to 1936 King Edward VIII does not abdicate but does marry a suitable woman, acceptable to the establishment and has children. The story revolves around his eldest son who is now King Eric. The family is spending Christmas at Balmoral with only the chef inside the house to serve the dinner. King Eric dies. Who done it?

A Heart that Works is a memoir by Rob Delaney, actor and writer, who relates the family journey when his son, Henry, is diagnosed with a brain tumor at one year old.

Sourdough a cute novel. Lois is a computer programmer who works long hours. She has gotten into the habit of ordering food delivery at home. When the guys who make the food have to leave because of visa issues they give Lois their sourdough starter. The starter takes Lois on some interesting journeys.

Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit & Glamour of an Icon a extensive biography of Elizabeth including use of private letters she wrote or were written to her. I learned a great deal about her early life and early marriages. I am old enough to remember her life since Cleopatra.

The Invisible Kingdom is the author's relating her story of her ongoing journey of finding why she was run down and ill and chronic illness as a whole. It was about her story as well as the general information of auto-immune diseases. Lupus, thyroid issues, or something else.

The Forever Witness is our DNA. The book covers the 30 year old cold case of the deaths of Tanya Van Cuylenborg and Jay Cook. It involves DNA and genetic genealogy and was the first case to use this to help identify the person who committed the crime. He was found guilty but appealed and a lower court set aside his conviction due to a juror bias. However in late 2022 the Washington State Supreme Court reinstated the guilty verdict. Interesting book!


Happy Reading.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

I put down my book, The Meaning of Zen, and see the cat smiling into her fur as she delicately combs it with her rough pink tongue. Cat, I would lend you this book to study but it appears you have already read it. She looks up and gives me her full gaze. Don't be ridiculous, she purrs, I wrote it. - from Miao by Dilys Laing 

Mum hid the hour in lots of time keeping things in the house. But she has been shifting things for the last week. She even woke up right on time, the new time. 

We both took it easy, all of our lives are usually easy. Mum says that is cuz we is retired. I nap, mooch treats, watch fevvers. Mum reads, does her crow-shay and chores. 

Mum did watch the award things last night, but she recorded it and started watching an hour after it actually started. She could skip the boring spots and by the end she caught up with the actual live show. Then she went to bed. She actually saw one of the big movies of the year. 

Our first flowers opened up this week too. Although some days it has been cool and windy. Mum says it might be nice enuf for a few bits of open windows, at least for a few days. 

Have a good week everyone.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

I hope all of you are reading. I am and off to a good start for the month.

The weather has been changing, some days really nice, others very windy and some are good days to stay inside and read. Plus I am trying to keep up with various TV shows that I record so I am not weeks behind. I record many of the shows since then I can fast forward through the commercials and it doesn't take as long to get through an episode. Current watches are the new Shogun adaptation, as well as Feud: Truman Capote and the Swans. 

Enough about TV shows, on to the books!

Murder on the Ile Sordou finds Antoine and Merine on holiday on a small island off the southern coast of France. All is well for a few days, then there is a death. Accident, angry spouse, angry stepson or revenge?

How to Survive Everything is a fictional novel. A father, who is a survivalist, kidnaps his two kids to keep them from a deadly pandemic that is dealier than Covid. How this all works out is the story. I really couldn't get into this and didn't read the entire book.

A Death Long Overdue the previous library director visits and ends up dead. A missing diamond necklace and will Lucy be giving up her apartment in the lighthouse?

Newsroom Confidential is a memoir by journalist Margaret Sullivan who has held top editorial positions at The Buffalo News, served as the first female public editor at The New York Times and as a columnist at The Washington Post. Found the book informative and entertaining. She is now at Columbia University. 

Happy Reading!

Monday, March 4, 2024

Mini-ManCat Monday

 Managing senior programmers is like herding cats. - Dave Platt

Heck, managing a senior isn't all that easy either! Make sure she gets all of her chores done. Make sure she takes care to me too!

Snoopervising the reading and crow-shay too. We have had some nice days but mum isn't doing outside stuff just yet. She says it is too early. Maybe in another month. 


Mum's latest blankie that she finished yesterday. She watched some racy cars and the ladies playing bucket ball.