
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

The weather is cooler again, nice for having open windows. Listening to the birds sing, but not so early in the AM now. Heck, the sun doesn't rise until after 6 AM now and sets before 8 PM. 

The guy came to bury the new cable feed on Monday. When he was done he came to the door to tell me he was done and that I had a squirrel that was blind. Nothing I can do about that, but I watched on Tuesday and did see this little guy. Eyes always shut and he has some skin issues too. I did see him run up a tree, but not sure when he came down. When I got my best look at him he was in full sploot on the patio.

Avoiding the political stuff again this week. I did turn on the TV on Monday night hoping to get the late news. I hit the final speech of the night and felt like I was being shouted at rather than being spoken to. I didn't last long with the speech, I could feel a headache coming on fast.

I have books to read, plus there is baseball to watch tonight and the rest of the week. That can keep me occupied and away from the poly-ticks.  I know who I am voting for, don't need all of the hype.

The Girl on the Carpathia, Kate is getting away from the US and going to Europe. On her voyage, her ship, Carpathia, comes to the aid of the Titanic picking up survivors and returning to New York. What is Kate running from and why? Will she be able to resolve her past with her future. Nice book, interesting story. 

Happy Reading.  


  1. Reading is always better than anything on TV...well, except a good documentary.
    I'd been waiting for book 4 in a series to drop into my library queue. Waited. Waited. Waited.
    Finally, I emailed and asked if they'd order it, and they did! Woot!
    I'm 1/2 way through, and it's hilariously irreverent; takes place in modern-day Manchester, England, where mysteries abound, and different magical beings are wreaking havoc on the city.

  2. dood….thatz sad bout de squirrelz….πŸ™€ prettee soon mum will bee abe bull
    ta catch de werld seer eez….seemz ta come round faster each yeer. notre dame
    bee startin next caturday all reddy πŸ˜ΊπŸ’–πŸŸπŸ’™πŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆ

  3. Oh dear, that poor little guy. Dad says he always looks forward to your accurate, silly book posts. Happy reading!

  4. That poor squirrel, how I wish there was something that could be done.

    Meanwhile, enjoy your reading! I agree, it's a good way to stay away from the poly-ticks.


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