
Monday, February 17, 2025

Mini-ManCat Monday - Auf Wiedersehen

It decided to be like a real winter this past week. We got snow! Enuf snow mum had to use the snow eater and make sure the fevvers had foods. It snowed twice in one week too. So everything is all white, instead of all brown.

Before and after pics of the driveway. Good to go, streets are good too, so no issues to get around. 

Mum cellybrated her purrthday yesterday. Another trip around the sun for her and she is an old lady. Again, she says, or still. She had a nice day and will continue to cellybrate with furiends this week. She got regular cards, ecards, purrs from me, texts too. 

Now if you noticed that today is more than just Mini-ManCat Monday. It is the day I have decided to retire from being a blogging cat. I don't have much to say. I sleep, eat, pee, poop and bug mum. Not much to blog about. 

Back in 2005, long before I was even born, Derby got really brave and with mum's help started blogging. He got inspired by Max the Psycokitty. His first post was on November 3, 2005.

After all of this time between Derby and me it is time to say farewell. Heck, I have been at this for 15 years! My 15th Gotcha Day was last week. And gee, I am an old guy at 16, going on 17!

Now while I won't be posting regular on Monday, I do reserve the right to stop in on Wednesday and say hi if I have something to let you know about.

Mum will continue with her reading stuff. Seems all you guys like books!

Last week on Thursday was my 15th Gotcha-versary. Wow, me and mum have been together for a long time. Although sometimes she looks at me and gets leaky eyes. I think she knows that someday I won't be here. Never know how long I will be here. 

Don't worry! At least not yet. I am just going to take it easy. Nothing is wrong, at least nothing we know about. Well, if you don't count the aging kidney issues all of us kits get! Special foods are keeping me good for now.

A selfie with me and mum and then just me in the sunny window.

Until we meet again! Auf Wiedersehen.


  1. Belated happy birthday to your mum, and 15th Gotcha Day to you. I will be sorry to see you go, but glad you will make an appearance on your mum's posts every now and then.
    If it wasn't for doing memory flashback posts for the boys I would have stopped in 2017.

  2. Happy Birthday plus one day! I will miss you but I do understand ... and I do hope you peek in from time to time .....

  3. We'll miss you. We hope you come back sometimes to keep us updated.

  4. Happy B'day to your mum!
    We understand, even if we'll miss you.
    Have been thinking of adding a book post weekly, just like yours, since I read, read, read!
    The cold and snowy weekend kept me indoors, so I made tea, sat on MY chair, was soon covered in housepanters, and I listened to audiobooks for hours and hours.
    Take care.

  5. Don't be a stranger, Ducky, and please make sure to say hi froim time to time, even if only on Facebook. We'd really miss you otherwise. In June, it will be 17 years that we've been blogging. So many who have come and gone, but we'll be plodding on for a while, with the youngsters to keep old #1 active!

    The Chans

  6. Ducky, we will miss you - Our huMom is an old lady too and sleeps, reads, pees and poops and not much else, just as you say, so your posts weren't all that boring to us. But we understand being tired too. We are glad you will pop in as your Mom continues with her reading adventures - we have found many books based on her recommendations. We should also wish her a belated happy purrthday. Take care and we send you both much love.

  7. I wish your mum many happy returns of the day and hope you will stay in touch, maybe be a guest and give us a picture once in so often.

  8. Awww, Ducky, we'll be sorry to see you go but we understand. Belated Happy Gotcha-versary to you and Birthday to your mum. We'll miss checking in with you, but we understand. I'm getting up there, too, and Orbit, Cleo, me and dad have been at this since 2011. Be well, take care of yourselves, and do check in now and then.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.