
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Mum got as good a picture as she could with me and the colorful lights. I didn't want to hold still for long, so I am a little blurry. I also refused to really pose well. Mum tried to bribe me with a treat, but then I jumped off the TV to eat it.

We got a small amount of snow today. Makes the birdies easier to see outside. Mum and I counted over a dozen at one time on the 'kitty TV' feeders.

Mum has stayed home today but was working in the dungeon. I gotted put out of the room again and the door is shut so I can't check on what she was doing. She said I has to stay out or I would be the color of regal oak.

Mummy has promised me turkey even though she is not cooking the dinner. Boy have I got her trained.

To all, Happy Thanksgiving. Safe traveling.

1 comment:

  1. Happy thanksgiving Derby. Good to know you scored some turkey! Our people have been busy cleaning out the basement. All the good spiders will be gone!


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