
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Night Visitors

Mum and me got spooked out by a kitty last night. It jumped up on the outside of the front window. I jumped and then mum got up to look outside. She turned on the light to see if she could help the cold kitty but he runned away. It looked alot like either Opus or Roscoe. But mum says they live to far away to drop by for a visit.

Today mum went on the roof of the house. She is very brave to do that. Grampie comes over to hold the ladder. Mummy got her big blowee machine out and cleaned the roof of all of the leaves. So the outside of the house looks very pretty.

The neighbor lady put some sparkly lights in her windows today. Makes the sleepy room bright, so not sure if mum will like it at night. Mum says they will not be on all night.

When Grampie was here he kept telling me to go in the closet. Mum kept telling him that she wants me to stay out of the closet. So I just left them alone and napped on mum's bed with the teddy bear.


  1. Ohhhhh I wonder who your visitor was. Maybe he'll stay longer next time. Your Mommy is really brave to go on the roof. My Mommy says I'd have to be stucked up there for her to go up on the roof. It sounds like you did a good job of your napping, Derby. I hope it was fun. :)

  2. Sometimes we see outside kittys too. If we tell Mom about it, she puts out some of our food for them. But I don't want them to come in our house. I already share my tuna water with 2 others!

    Sanjee is right. Our Mom is scared of heights (we're not!) and says we would have to be in terrible danger for her to get on our roof!

  3. Our mom puts out a box with a rug in it under the deck for any outside kitties tht come by too & food. One person she heard of taped shut an insulated cooler, then cut a entry hole in it & put in a rug so the outside kitty they know could have a dry place out of the winter wind for shelter. Some people are so nice!!! Why does your Grampa want to put you in the closet???? That's not very nice.....


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.