
Tuesday, December 6, 2005

General Updates

Thanks to all of you for your nice words on the picture on my last post. Mum takes good pictures and I happened to hold still and pose a bit. Kukka-Maria, mum is surprised that you thing I am a hot dude. Wow a teen idol up on someone's wall. Never thought it would happen.

Mum is still looking for the collar, hee, hee, she goes by it many times a day but just isn't seeing it, at least not yet. She will probably find it next time she gets out the big sucking machine.

Roscoe and Opus, if you guys are homesick, get your mum to read from some of the websites from your old home. Check out the sports on or from an online newspaper from Indy.

Yes, I have to be careful of the trees. I was trying to chew on the majic tree and it didn't agree with my tummy. Mum came home and found a small whoopsie with some of the plastic from the tree. Mum calls it fiber optic strands. So now that tree is up on a small table. I have to figure out how to get at it now.

The big tree, well it tips easily so it doesn't take much to knock it over. But I knocked it over last night just after mum went to bed. She came out and set it upright. I haven't done anything else with it yet. Just biding my time.

I am cuddled up next to mum and putting the moves on her. I need more treats and lovin'. Oos, I gotted carried away and had all four legs wrapped around her arm and bit her on the arm. So I gotted banished from the couch for now. Better go grovel. I want more treats.

Hmm. Today I am mostly nice with a little naughty thrown in. (MUM: I think we should reverse that to mostly naughty, my little guy!)


  1. i lost a collar not too long ago and my Mom just found it - right in front of her eyes, too, so now i have two collars (they're both black 'n white!)

  2. I hope you told her it was just a love nip!

  3. Derby, you sound like a cat on a mission with that tree!


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