
Thursday, December 1, 2005

Welcome Home Emily

I forgotted to say welcome back home to Emily. She is a cat from Appleton, Wisconsin, who went exploring, ended up in a box that got shipped to FRANCE. Mum says that is way across the ocean, even farther away than Charlie and Pandora. But not as far away as Opus and Roscoe.The trip over in the ship took three weeks.

Anyway, today, she came home to her family on a first class plane trip home. Wow, what an adventure!

I don't think Emily has a blog, if she did what a story she would have to tell us.


  1. I wonder if France is near my former stomping grounds (the empire from which I am exiled)...I would look, but I don't know how to read a map.

  2. We saw her in the news too. What nice people to find her humans & escort her home personally.


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