
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

More Football

We found out that one of our usual programs is not on TV tonight, more football. Mum says we can get other stuff done.

So mum has putted away some more of the Christmas stuff. So those little white guys sitting on the TV are GONE! The big spiral tree is still up but all of the beads are putted away.

Scooby, Shaggy and Scouts
mum has issue with Bucky the Badger. It is only a game, mum works with all sorts of people, Bear and Viking fans, Nittny Lion fans. They bug each other but then have a good laugh, so yeah we can all be friends.

Plus mum readed William's resolutions for 2006. She liked them and best of all you have no choice in keeping them. So like William. In 2006
  • I will turn 3 years old (just like William)
  • I will mooch lots of treats from mum
  • I will give mum sandpaper kisses in the morning when she wakes up.
Ok, that should cover it.

Plus a picture from last summer. It is all nice and green, the windows are open and the sun is shining. Did the sun get losted? We haven't seen it in a long time. Maybe we need to check the shelter for it if it gotted lost.


  1. Ifn the sun go losted it didnt come here to A State of Winter. It am rainin rainin rainin, but no white stuff from the sky for a while now, puddles everywhere, mom says it feels like spring in January. I luv your kitty perch!! Mom....hey Mom.........look look at this here perch........MOM!!!!

  2. what a pretty picture Derby. our sun is lost too. just grey rainy days. bleah!! you can have 'em. i just stay under my hothead lamp.

  3. Oh, what a nice nice window! What could be better, except maybe cuddling with our moms?

  4. Glad we can be friends Derby. You can't help it if you live in Wisconsin! Thanks for putting up the sunny day picture! Same story here- gray & ugly out. Got snow falling again too.

  5. Love your pickshur! We love laying in the sun! The sun got losted here too. Good thing we have our personal heater to keep us warm. Mom.........Mom!!! Can WE have perches like Derby?? PWWEEEEZZZEEE?


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