
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Sunny, Bright with Snow

Wow, with the fresh cover of snow it certainly is bright out. Mum was a good purrson and wented out and cleaned the snow off the driveway and porch. She tooked the flashy box thing out with her and tooked some pictures. See me watching safe and warm from inside. Lower left of the two windows. I am hanging out on one of my perches, supervising.
Plus mum tooked some neato pictures of the snow on the crab apple tree in the back. The snow was stuck to the branches and with the sun shining. Purrrty.
Mum says I need to practice for tub hockey. Awww, mum. I don't like being in the tub except just after you shower. Then I am just looking for a few puddles to lick. Oh, ok but I am practicing on the couch, with my new glitter ball.


  1. Nice glitter ball Derby! And we agree that a nice fresh coat of snow is great to spruce up the outside.

  2. Derby great photos.

    LOL about the tub hockey!
    You make our mom laugh.

    The Whippy Curly Tails in the Toasty South

  3. It's purrty at your house, Derby. We don't have any snow cuz it's not being a real winter here. (At least, that's what Mom says.) Good for you practing for tub hockey. That's a nice glitter ball you have there!

  4. Them am such purty pichers and you are doin such a good job of supervising. I have to do that lots!


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