
Friday, May 5, 2006

Finding A New Home - Part Three

I was just relaxing after lunchtime and then this blonde lady came into the kittie room at the shelter. Hey, I remember her. She was here last week and played with me. She came over to say hello and I wanted to play with her. But then she also went down to play with another kittie named Mikey.

After a few minutes she left and I was disappointed we didn't get to play longer. Then a few more minutes and then one of the shelter people came in and took Mikey out of his cage. What I didn't know then was that the tech was taking Mikey into a special room to meet with this blonde lady.

About 15 minutes later they brought Mikey back, but then I gotted taken out of my cage. They took me to the special room and there she was, the blonde lady. Well, I figured now was the time for me to shine.

Firsted, I meowed 'Hello' and rubbed up against her. Then she had some toys and we had such a good time playing. We played for about 15 minutes and I thought this was so much fun. This blonde lady needs to come and play with us kitties every day.

But then this she lefted the room for a bit, and I was there by myself. I was ready to keep playing all afternoon. But then she came back and gave me some scritches and then said something very wonderful. "I'll be back for you tomorrow".

Ohh, Ohh, she would be back to play tomorrow. More play time.... or did she mean something else??

To be continued.......

My shelter mug shot that was on the website for HAWS, this is why Patches Lady calls me Smiley Boy.


  1. Our mom says that you do have a very nice smile! We really like your story, Derby - can't wait to read what happens next . . .

  2. boy, your story is sounds lucky it all worked out that your Mom got you and you got her. ANYTHING could have happened...

  3. What an intense story! I bet I know how this turns out too! You're gonna end up with the blond lady?!! Oh I hope so, hope so!!

    What a cliffhanger!

    Thanks fur givin' me the best adoption day ever with your wonderfur wishes! (As I send 'em to you for tomorrow)

    Snuggles n purrs =^..^=, Winston

  4. Awww... how sweet, Derby! Your Mommy lurrved you right from the start.

    And I agree... you have a brilliant smile! You shoud replace the Cheshire Cat in Alice In Wondurrland.


  5. Your story is so wonderful Derby! we can't imagine how scary it would be to be in the shelter, but we're glad your story is getting furry happy!

  6. Yup, look at that smile!! Now how cute is that??? I want to give you a kiss on your furry forehead!

    I saved Mittens from certain death in the shelter. I shall have to tell her story one of these days. Patches came walking up the driveway and said, "hi, I am staying" and she did.

    The Mom

  7. You have a very dashing smile, Derby!

    Your story is also very interesting. It sounds like it is just getting good - a real page turner!

  8. Oh, I am glad she came back...but how could she resist such a handsome ginger boy?


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.