
Sunday, May 28, 2006

More New Plants

I showed you yesterday the big plants that mum digged holes for with Grampie. This is how she got so dirty. But she also putted out lots of little flowers too.
These little flowers are in the boxes along the front porch. It is hot and sunny here and these little guys do just fine. Mum planted these Friday night and one of the flowers has already opened. Mum says these things are called port-u-laca or moss roses.
Then mum putted im-patience in the big container, a couple of hanging baskets and another small container. Plus she has a few plants left that she needs to find a spot for.
OK, guess that is the report for now of all of the garden stuff. Taking the rest of the day to rest/nap, give the plants drinks, read the newsy paper and watch racy cars go in circles for the rest of the day.


  1. Mom says she has tons of impatience and doesn't need to grow any extra. Ha-ha... she's so funny I forgot to laugh! It's super hot this weekend in Minn-e-sota. Good growing weather.

  2. My mama and I are jealous. We live in an apartment and there is no room for plants. Mama did get a few for the patio, but it isn't as much fun. Your yard is going to be sooooooooo pretty.

  3. Pretty flowers! Hey, Derby, come see our new "furiend", Charcoalie. I fink he's related to Vir-ginger. He might be a copycat!

  4. Those flowers are very nice. Your human pet has a lot of skill! Unfortunately, our human pet has a black thumb and has almost killed the three plants that she got as a housewarming present.

  5. Mom doesn't do many container cuz they dry out too easily. So she bought self-watering ones, but hasn't planted anyfing in them yet. Our yard's very shady so we has lotsa hosta like I see in your yard. Mom's also trying primroses in one shade bed cuz they're pretty perennials. She wants to plant impatience, too, but runs outa time an energy. Dad mows the lawn an not much else. ;-)

  6. It's cold and rainy here in the UK.

    I likes your mum's flowers, Derby-Dude....
    And you gots all those loooooooonnnng names out right too!

    My mum isn't no good wiff flowers, but she has lots of nice lilies that grow despite, she says!


  7. Oh, Derby, our Momma just loves looking at other peoples flowers. She has a lot of those pots like you have with the impatiens in them. The ones that look like clay, but they are plastic. She loves them. Rain drove her inside, she was weeding and fertilizing. We are napping and Daddy is watching the cars go round and round and round.

    Patches Lady

  8. Derby, Charcoalie (Charcie) sends purrs and headbutts back to his big sisfur, Vir-ginger. He was thrilled to learn that she's blogging wif such a nice kitty. He's proaly gonna blog about life on the table an fings outside, like the house panters who climbed ladders all around the outside last week and brushed the house. Do houses get hairballs???

  9. Such pretty flowers and stuff. We hope your garden grows well!

  10. Puurty flowers they taste good???


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