
Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Vir-ginger, Out and About

Vir-ginger went 'sploring outside last night while mum didded some yard work. She kept moving around and hiding on mum, hehe. So mum had to hunt her down a couple of times. She maded it up into the crabby apple tree and then was on the ground hiding in the plants. Can you find Vir-ginger in the plants?
Plus the crabby apple tree is looking very purrty. Mum can lay in bed and see all of the flowers on the tree. It sure looks different than what it look like back in December. No leaves or flowers, just bare branches.


  1. You could probably make a book out of this concept: I Spy Vir-ginger!

    Think of the money you and your human pet could make!

  2. Very pretty trees! And Vir-ginger is such a sly cat! I think she is operating on the principle that if she can not see you, you can no see her! (especially in the second photo)

  3. How do you know the tree is crabby? Does it growl??

    Patches Lady

  4. Derby

    Do you have a growlie tree? Oooo I bet that is spookie. Do you growl back at it?

    Vir-ginger sure knows how to get around and have fun outside!

  5. Hmmm...all we have are boring green trees. Everything around here is green. Maybe the Mom needs to plant a crabby apple tree outside just to give the landscape some color.

  6. Wow, Vir-ginger sure gets around! She's fearless high up in the tree.

  7. pretty tree. we have a pear tree and a cherry tree that are all flowery....well, i should say they WERE all flowery. it's pourin' rain and i bet all the flowers will be gone by mornin'

  8. you have a purrty yard derby. thanks for coming to our new blog.Mom says it looks like we will never get the old one back but we don't mind sharing this one too much.
    Dimples and Whiskers

  9. Ohh pretty tree. I want to climb it. Momma said no. that I have to stay on the ground like your Vir-ginger


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