
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Catolympic Stuff

Mum gotted box a yesterday and when she opened it up it had stuff in it from the Catolympics. I didn't know she had even ordered this stuff and it came just after I had competed. So the magnet is on the big cold box with the mini-me magnet. The clocky thing is outside so mum can check the time when she works in the yard.

But then the box is fun too. If I practice with this, maybe I could enter fitting into small boxes next Catolympics.
Plus three of our foster kitties have arrived at their furrever homes. Mango, Ashes and Storm Cloud have made it.


  1. Wow, that stuff looks good........I need to send momma over there to buy some things.

    Patches Lady

  2. Wow they camed out nice :) Is it grainy? Or does it look good up close?

  3. Derby

    That's some cool gear your Momma got for you from the catolympics!


  4. You're the first cat to show his great Catolympic stuff and we think your Mum is very nice to get it for you.

  5. DerbySweetheartCat,

    the CatOlympic stuff looks very cool. I must tell the beanmom to get somestuff too. Thanks for showing us. Mango says hello to you guys!

  6. Inky made it to Toby and Tilly's place so that's 4 arrived so far! Looking out for Mandy, no sign of her yet but she did have a long way to go.

  7. * blushing*
    We apologize for not saying 'THANK YOU' right away. Inky arrived safely. Toby loves him, Tilly isn't so sure. Thanks for the treats,too!
    Tilly, Toby and the Mum

  8. Our Mom ordered a coupla shirts and a magnet, but none of it has gotten here yet. We are waiting patiently~ Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

  9. Timmy,

    Yes the stuff looks good. Not fuzzy and stuff. So mum is happy, and so am I.

  10. Mandy is here! Mandy is here! She made it all the way across the big pond safely! Thank you so much Derbs!

  11. This is surely the week for boxes fun!


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