
Friday, June 16, 2006

Get Ready, Get Set, GO

Derby: Mum, I need to get to the Catolympics, come on. I gotta go, I will miss stuff.

Derby's Mum: Relax Derby, I just got home from work. So please give me a few minutes to put down my stuff and change clothes. You don't need to be there for another hour.

Derby: :: waiting, waiting, waiting. ::sigh:: waiting, waiting, waiting::

DM: OK, lets make sure you have everything you need. I guess you do. So just a few words from me.

First, do your best. Make sure you warm up and stretch before your events.
Second, be gracious, win or lose.
Third, be fair on the events you are commenting on. Don't give extra attention to your friends.
Last, have fun.

You don't have to teleport home until after the event is over. But I will make sure there is fresh cool water and crunchies out for you, in case you pop home. Remember Father's Day is Sunday, so be home so you can help Grampie celebrate.

So get ready to teleport.

Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics
Transport me to the 2006 Catolympics

DM: Bye, love you.


  1. He's here, he's here! We are eating stinky goodness together in the competitors' dining hall.

  2. Just wanted you to know that Derby made it just fine. He can stay as long as he wants....we are figuring many will stay until Sunday sometime....time to relax and have fun.

    Patches Lady

  3. We seen Derby too and we're all having the bestest time togefer.

  4. Ciao Derby! Its been a while, we know. We took some time off, but we are back and full of trouble. Now what is the catolympics that everyone is talking about? Sounds like we have been missing out on a lot of stuff! Hope you are well!

    Opus and Roscoe


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.